Make your own sauerkraut like you used to in the fermentation pot or ferment it directly in a glass – tips and recipe

There are dishes and side dishes that we immediately associate with our childhood and often with grandma and her unique cuisine. Sauerkraut is undoubtedly one of them. Whether with smoked pork, pork chops or simple meatballs, the pickled, sour cabbage tastes great with it. But what you bought is somehow not as good as the one you know from before? Then we recommend that you simply try out a recipe yourself and you can ferment the herb in both a fermentation pot and a mason jar. We explain how you can make sauerkraut yourself in both versions.

Prepare the white cabbage properly

Of course, the cabbage is not fermented whole. Instead, start by removing the outermost leaves (which are dark green in color). Then quarter the remaining head. Now the hard stalk can be removed more easily from the middle. All that remains is to chop up the cabbage quarters. There are special herb slicers in different sizes for this, but a simple, sharp kitchen knife will also do a good enough job. It is important that you cut very thin strips.

Notice: The normal kitchen slicer that you use to grate other vegetables is also suitable, but the task is more laborious with it.

Make your own sauerkraut – how much salt and what other spices do you use?

In addition to the cabbage, you also need salt, which stimulates the fermentation process and at the same time prevents the white cabbage from spoiling. However, some people are not sure about the quantity. How much is correct? In general, 5 to 10 g of salt per kilogram of cabbage is optimal, but the exact amount is of course a matter of taste.

You can also refine the future sauerkraut by adding other spices. Bay leaves, juniper berries and caraway, for example, are common, but white wine is also a popular ingredient.

Also read here:Sauerkraut soup: 2 delicious recipes that are perfect for the cold season!

If you want to make larger quantities of sauerkraut yourself, a fermentation pot is the best option. You can choose between different sizes, depending on your needs (3 to 50 liters). A weighting stone is also included. We also recommend purchasing a cabbage masher. Then proceed as follows:

Layer the herb and season

Fill the clean pot with a 10 centimeter thick layer of grated cabbage. Distribute the desired amount of salt over it and then any other spices, as mentioned above. You are also welcome to refine your sauerkraut with dry white wine and make your own wine sauerkraut this way.

Next, take the herb masher and press the herb down. Repeat this again and again until the juice comes out. Then add a new layer of shredded cabbage, which you then season and mash thoroughly again. Continue like this until you have filled about four fifths of the fermentation pot.

The rest period and what comes after

Now give the herb about half an hour to release more liquid. This should endthe white cabbagecover completely. If this is not the case, you will have to add some more brine. Now cover the contents with a few whole cabbage leaves and press them a little with the cabbage masher so that they are also covered with cabbage juice. Finally, place the weighting stone on the herb, fill the edge provided with water and put the lid on. The water serves to seal everything airtight so that no germs get in.

The fermentation pot should now be placed in a place at room temperature so that fermentation begins after three to four days. Then place it in a cooler place where the herb will ferment completely within four to six weeks. The finished sauerkraut can then be stored in the same pot until you have used it up. This means you don't need to pour it into jars and boil it down.

Prepare sauerkraut in a jar

For a smaller quantity you can also make sauerkraut yourselfin the glass. The procedure is basically the same, just on a smaller scale:

  • Grate the cabbage and put it in a bowl.
  • Add 5 to 10 g of salt per kilo of white cabbage.
  • Wash your hands again and knead the cabbage thoroughly. This way the salt will be distributed more evenly.
  • Enter the cabbageincluding juiceinto a large enough glass (or two) and press the herb down to cover it with the liquid.
  • If you want to make sauerkraut yourself according to Grandma's recipe, add bay leaves, juniper berries and caraway seeds as desired.
  • Optionally, weigh down the cabbage with clean stones.
  • Place a clean tea towel or foil over the opening of the glass and tie it to the neck of the glass with a rubber band.
  • Let the cabbage ferment in a warm place for three to ten days (at 18 to 26 degrees,notin direct sunlight). Press the cabbage down again every day. From the third day onwards you can try again and again to see whether the sauerkraut is ready. If so, screw the lid on the jar and store it in the refrigerator.