Vegetable juices are a great way toto increase our nutrient intake. But not every type of vegetable is suitable for juicing. Dry vegetables like broccoli and sweet potatoes can be juiced (and should be!), but you won't get as much juice. On the other hand, leafy greens, carrots, beets and other vitamin-rich options are perfect for your juicer. Here are the 10 best vegetables to juice if you want to get plenty of vitamins and minerals. We'll also tell you which vegetable juices are best to enjoy in moderation if you have certain health problems.
Which vegetables are suitable for juicing?
1. Kale
Kale is a very healthy vegetable with a mild taste that combines well with other fruits and vegetables in juices. This homegrown superfood is a great source of several important nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K. Raw cabbage is also particularly rich in antioxidants, including beta-carotene. Antioxidants neutralize harmful molecules called free radicals to protect the body's cells.
In fact, drinking kale juice has been shown to reduce risk factors for heart disease, includingbad LDL cholesterol, reduced. A study of 32 men with high cholesterol found that drinking 150 ml of kale juice daily for three months lowered LDL cholesterol by 10% and increased heart-protective HDL cholesterol by 27%.
2. Carrots
Because of their slightly sweet flavor and impressive nutrient profile, carrots are the perfect vegetable for juicing. They are low in calories and have a high content of vitamin A, biotin and potassium. They are also rich in carotenoids, which are plant pigments that act as powerful antioxidants in the body. These include beta-carotene, lycopene, alpha-carotene and lutein.
Studies show that consuming foods rich in carotenoids is associated with lowerRisk of degenerative eye disease, heart disease and certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer, is connected.
Due to its sweet taste, carrot juice combines well with other vegetable and fruit juices such as citrus fruits, ginger and beetroot.
3. Rote Bete
Beetroot not only impresses with its earthy taste and bright color, but also offers many health benefits. The tuber is packed with manganese, potassium, iron, vitamin C and folic acid.
Studies show that beetroot juice...Blood pressure naturallycan reduce and improve athletic and mental performance.
The beetroot juice tastes good in combination with orange juice, apple juice and ginger.
4. Kohl
Cabbage is a healthy and delicious vegetable that is also easy to juice. It belongs to the cruciferous family and is therefore a close relative of broccoli, kale, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Studies show that eating more cruciferous vegetables with alower risk of diabetes, heart disease and inflammationis connected. Cabbage is particularly rich in vitamins K and C and also provides important micronutrients such as folic acid, manganese and vitamin B6.
A glass of cabbage juicehelps with heartburn, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining)and can even be painfulin stomach ulcersalleviate.
5. Spinach
Spinach gives smoothies and juices a mild, fresh taste. The leafy greens are rich in vitamins A and C and provide a good dose of antioxidants such as quercetin, kaempferol and lutein.
A study of 27 people found that eating spinach for 7 days improved systolic and diastolic blood pressureSignificantly lowers blood pressure. Additionally, some research suggests that spinach juice acts as an antacid andfor heartburncan help.
6. Cucumbers
have cucumbersa high water contentand can help you, yourmaintain fluid intake,which is vital for digestive health, kidney function, weight control and physical performance. They are also low in calories but high in potassium, manganese and vitamins K and C. Cucumber juice helpswith muscle crampsand is toogood for the skin.
You can find out more about the effects of cucumber juiceread in this article.
7. Mangold
Chard is related to beetroot, pak choy and co. and is also rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and C.
Some animal studies suggest that chard is particularly beneficial forDiabeticcan be. In a 45-day study in rats with highblood sugar levelIt was found that the addition of chard extract to the diet could reduce the elevated levels by increasing the activity of the enzymes that regulate the blood sugar hormoneInsulincontrol, changed.
You can add chard to almost any juice or use it in place of common leafy greens like kale and spinach. The chard juice also tastes delicious in combination with celery, carrots, cucumbers, apples and oranges.
8. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant, often considered one of the most popular vegetables for juicing. It is a real nutritional bomb and provides a significant amount of iron, phosphorus, magnesium and copper as well as 17 differentAmino acids– the building blocks of proteins. Wheatgrass also containsChlorophyll, a natural plant pigment with stronganti-inflammatory and anti-cancerCharacteristics. It is also said to be used for chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such asulcerative colitishelp.
A study on 59 women showed that supplementation with wheatgrass powder for 10 weeksTriglyceride and cholesterol levelssignificantly reduce and theHeart healthcan improve.
You can drink pure wheatgrass juice as a small shot or add it to another vegetable juice to increase its nutritional value.
9. Saddlery
Celery has been a popular superfood for some time now - and for good reason. In addition to its high water content, celery contains a good amount of vitamins A, K and C, as well as antioxidants such as kaempferol, caffeic acid and ferulic acid.
Celery extract is said to improve heart health by normalizing blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels. An animal study also showed that certain components of celerystrong anti-inflammatory propertieshave that can protect against chronic diseases.
Many people like to drink celery juice straight (500 ml in the morning on an empty stomach), but it can also be combined with the juice of lemons, apples, ginger and leafy greens to make a tasty power drink.
10. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are also a suitable vegetable for juicing. Not only are they low in calories, but they are also rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and folic acid.
Tomatoes are also rich inLycopene, an active ingredient linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer, heart attack and stroke. Drinking tomato juice has been proven to reduceInflammation, cranks itmetabolismand improves itpower. Tomato juice is still good for themLeber, atDiabetes, againstconstipationandHigh blood pressure.
Combine fresh tomato juice with celery, cucumber and parsley for a refreshing, healthy juice.
Vegetables that should not be juiced if…
... you have thyroid problems
Avoid large amounts of juice from raw cruciferous vegetables such asCabbage, broccoli and kale. An overdose can disrupt the thyroid. People with thyroid problems should consult their doctor and be more careful when consuming raw cruciferous vegetables. It's best to enjoy these vegetable juices once or twice a week.
... you have flatulence
If you bloat after drinking juices, you should limit the amount of cruciferous vegetables likeBroccoli, cabbage, kale or bok choyreduce. Although this vegetable is wonderful for health, it can cause bloating in some people when raw. You may be able to steam these vegetables into the juicer.
... you have or have had kidney stones
Oxalates (oxalic acid), which are found in bananas, cherries, mangoes,roter Beth, corner Spinach, chardetc. may cause oxidative damage or form kidney stones if consumed in large quantities. Excess oxalates can also interfere with iron and calcium absorption. For most people, oxalates will never be a problem because the concentration is not that high. However, it is always good to know which vegetable juice could have which effect.
Vegetable juices you shouldn't drink every day
Spinachcontains oxalic acid and rawKalecontains goitrogens. Oxalates are also found in bananas, mangoes,Cauliflowerand many other types of fruit and vegetables. Goitrogens are available rawKreuzblütlergemüseand in large quantities can impair thyroid function. Keyword: large quantities. Before you eliminate spinach or kale from your juice recipes, you should know that normal serving sizes of spinach and kale are safe for your health. Problems only arise if you take large amounts. Once or twice a week is okay. Vegans in particular need to be more aware of oxalates and goitrogens since they consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables.
The moral of the story is: Diversity is your friend. Most of the problems associated with juicing too many vegetables only occur if you eat significant amounts of those vegetables every day or drink them as juice. If you make sure your meals and juices are varied, it is very unlikely that you will have health problems as a result of juicing vegetables or fruits.