Recipe for wild mushroom soup with kidney beans & fresh, frozen or dried mushrooms

Attention mushroom lovers, it's finally that time again: time for delicious dishes with wild mushrooms and soup is simply one of them! Combined with aromatic kidney beans, any mushroom soup is simply perfect.

Use fresh mushrooms in the fall, frozen or dried at other times of the year, or combine as desired for the following recipe for wild mushroom soup with kidney beans.

Prepare the mushrooms

Foto: Tatiana Vorona/ Shutterstock

All types of mushrooms are suitable for this recipe idea.Fresh porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms, umbrella mushrooms and the like, which are found not only in forests but also in meadows, can be easily combined with each other to get a versatile flavor in the mushroom soup. How to prepare them:

  • All fresh mushrooms are cleaned before cooking. Dirt is scraped off and injured areas are cut off.
  • Small mushrooms can be cooked whole, large ones cut into bite-sized pieces.
  • If using frozen mushrooms, thaw and drain them in a colander in advance.
  • You can use dried mushrooms directly.

You need these ingredients for the wild mushroom soup recipe

Foto: Tatiana Vorona/ Shutterstock

Once again:Fresh mushrooms were included in the recipe for wild mushroom soupdried mushroomsuse. You can also only use fresh mushrooms or just dried or frozen mushrooms if you prefer.

For 4 servings:

  • 400 g kidney beans (canned)
  • 100 g fresh mushrooms, cleaned
  • 20 g dried wild mushrooms
  • 100g onion
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 liter vegetable broth
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pfeffer
  • Chili as desired
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh marjoram

Preparation of mushroom soup

Foto: Tatiana Vorona/ Shutterstock

For a clear wild mushroom soup:

  • Heat the oil in a pot.
  • Meanwhile, cut the onion into fine cubes.
  • Steam them covered in the pan.
  • Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms (if using fresh ones).
  • Once the onions are translucent, add the fresh (or frozen) mushrooms.
  • Chop the garlic.
  • Add it to the pot along with the dry mushrooms. You can now add the chili for a little spiciness.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • After a few minutes, pour the vegetable broth into the pot and bring it to the boil.
  • Stir in the beans, with the canned water or drained if desired.
  • Finally, add marjoram leaves to the soup.
  • Cook another 5 minutes.
  • Complete!
Foto: Tatiana Vorona/ Shutterstock


Using the wild mushroom soup recipe above you will get a clear soup. You can also conjure up a creamy wild mushroom soup in no time by simply adding cream to the soup at the end of the cooking time. You can do this, for example, 5 to 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time.

Cover photo: Tatiana Vorona/ Shutterstock