111 ideas for design kitchens with cooking islands – functional elegance

Are you planning a new kitchen? If you don't have a clear idea of ​​it, you can get an overview of the diversity of the kitchen world from us. We have 111 ideas forDesign kitchen with cooking islandand design kitchen block systems of modern architect's houses sorted out. Although many of these designs are tailor-made for a specific wall, you can find many suggestions and ideas for your kitchen planning here.

Practical design kitchen with cooking island in contemporary design

So that you can enjoy cooking later, good kitchen planning is the most important prerequisite - this is the only way you can be sure to enjoy your new kitchen appliances and cupboards. There are initially different questions to ask: What material should the kitchen furniture be made of? What are the correct dimensions? Which devices need to be installed? How much storage space is enough?

First of all, the question of taste needs to be clarified - whether the cabinet fronts should be made of wood, matt or high-gloss plastic. The more dishes and utensils you have to store, the more cabinets you need to consider in the kitchen. Luckily, there are kitchen cabinets in different sizes, designs, shapes and colors, which also enables individual kitchen planning.

Kitchen design depending on individual taste

The new kitchens can be configured the way you like it best. However, think carefully about how you want your kitchen to be equipped - this is the only way your kitchen will be a complete success later on. If you have a large kitchen living space at your disposal, theKitchen planningThere are hardly any limits to the number of devices.

Design kitchen with cooking island in an elegant black and white combination

The open oneKitchen with cooking island– a living trend that is becoming increasingly popular is characterized by greater functionality. The kitchen island offers enough space for kitchen utensils and has comfortablecountertop, usually also has a sink and hobs. You can choose between a gas or electric stove or the energy-saving versions with induction.

Kitchen island with seating

Design kitchens with cooking islands: inspiration from modern architect houses

Flexible kitchen system with striking red panels

Design kitchen with cooking island – puristic white individual kitchen

Design kitchen with cooking island – handleless kitchen block

Fitted kitchen with backlight

Open kitchen space with practical cooking island

Fresh yellow color accents on the walls

Kitchen with powder-coated steel fronts

Compact built-in kitchen cabinets

Individually configured designer kitchen