Design a play area in the garden for children – 20 ideas

In summer, when the weather is pleasant, it is always good for children and adults to spend as much time outside as possible. The sun and contact with other children, plants and animals have a positive effect on the immune system. Why is it worth investing some time and building a play area in the garden for the children yourself?

The best thing about a private playground in the garden is that the child can play there alone while you do housework or somethingDeliciousprepare. However, potentially dangerous areas should be taken into account and secured.

The simple facilities and old fashioned onesChildren's games, like 'Heaven and Hell' have not lost their charm and if you design them in a new and creative way, they get a new polish. It is also a good opportunity to spend more time with your beloved family.

An appropriately designed and well-covered playground also has a place in the modern garden. Choose the same material and design in the same colors so that the overall look is harmonious.

Wooden seesaw

The wooden seesaw looks old-fashioned at first, but it is a good system that teaches the toddler social relationships. This seesaw can be raised and lowered to any height, thereby adapting it to the size of the children. With a little craftsmanship, any DIY enthusiast can build one themselves.

Wooden sandpit

Everyone knows the good old sandbox from childhood. At 10 months the child canplay with the sandand do some crafting with it over the next few years. However, installations of this type in public playgrounds are a big risk because you don't know who and what got onto the sand. In your own garden you can keep the sand in the box clean and cover it so that it can be used the next day when it rains.

Small children and especially boys like to play with trucks, excavators and large cars that can be filled with sand or stones outside in order to transport them to the other point. Tracks on which the cars and trucks are driven, as well as garages and a parking lot can be designed very creatively. Unfold your imagination and bring joy to your child.

You can conjure up a real adventure park for the child in the back garden. It is worth considering shade and small seating areas with the opportunity for crafts or outdoor dining, as children's parties or birthdays can be arranged there. In addition, you don't have to take the child to the nearby park every day.

Knight's castle made of cardboard

You can also make something inexpensively for the children. However, they are not interested in what costs how much. The attention and hard work are highly valued there. If you also give him some free time, your child will surely be very happy playing in a cardboard knight's castle like this.

Create a temporary tent

Camping is very popular with small children, especially when a friend comes to visit. You can play pirates or robbers and maybe even spend the night in the garden. A makeshift tent is not difficult to create yourself. Get enough pillows and blankets.

'Cornhole' or 'sack hole' is a popular game where you have to hit the hole with small bags filled with corn. A real playground can be designed out of wood to match the game's theme. A black board and the special platform are required for this.

You can't play with water indoors, but you can play with it outdoors. Children love water games because they get more or less wet and at some point they get splashed. A real competition arises when you have to hit buckets with water balloons. Each bucket hit earns certain points. So that none of the players are deceptive, everyone should play with a different color of balloons.

Shoot balloons filled with water

You can hang water balloons on a tree in the garden and shoot them that way. Fill enough balloons with water and hang them with different distances between them.

'Twister' is a popular community game usually played on the ground. Alternatively, you can also play outside or in the garden. Simply color the dots in four colors on the lawn or on the patio tiles and the game can begin.

Climbing is considered an extreme sport, but special facilities - artificial climbing walls - allow it to be carried out with complete safety. It is also suitable for children aged 7 and over. A wooden wall like this can also be built anywhere in the backyard.

Climbing teaches the child important skills and independent action. This sport is also played in groups, where there is a sense of community. Don't forget that climbing is a basic need for children.

A simplified version of the climbing wall is to build a system made of rope between two supports. Find out in advance which size would be suitable for your child and also about the specific braiding style that is suitable for the target.

The cable car is particularly popular with boys. It can also be designed in any way you like in your own garden. But there is a little more free space for plants. It is also advisable to stretch the rope between two stable trees.

The ordinary swings are fun for young and old alike. A popular variant is the tire swing. The car tire is hung on a tree using a sturdy, sustainable steel chain or thick rope. Make sure you have the right grip so that the children don't fall off the swing unexpectedly.

The good old swing for one is also a great fun option. It also doesn't take up much space and is not at all complicated to build yourself. First find a suitable location so that no one or nothing is injured. And the best tip to give is simply to give your children more time!