Getting your car ready for spring – tips for spring checks and spring cleaning

The first rays of sunshine pamper us, our spirits awaken and now it's time to bring the car out of hibernation! Well, the car probably didn't sleep at all in the winter; rather, it was used constantly in the cold season. It is now even more important to pay attention to a few basic things so that your car is a safe and reliable companion even in spring and summer! In the following article we will reveal how you can get your car ready for spring!

The tire change

Of course, everything starts with changing the tires. From O to O – from October to Easter, or from a temperature below seven degrees, that should be the caseCar only with winter tirescan be driven, but then it's over! Now it's time for the summer tires. This not only makes sense for economic reasons, such as higher fuel consumption, it is also relevant to safety.

Winter tires lose their good properties in summer and the softer rubber mixture, which ensures better grip in winter, can result in spongy and imprecise driving behavior in hot temperatures - so make an appointment at the workshop straight away or, if you can, the one Simply change tires yourself. But don't forget to measure the tread depth and tire pressure!

Spring cleaning!

In winter, the tires constantly throw slush with dirt particles and fine stones onto the paint, which, together with the road salt, attack the vehicle's paint. Visiting a car wash is the best option for this. Not only is car washing at home prohibited in many regions due to groundwater protection, the car wash also has special cleaning products that provide optimal care for the vehicle even after the winter. Plus, it's practical and quick!

However, leave the underbody washing aside for now and rather postpone it until the summer months. Existing salt deposits can easily get into the bodywork through the underbody washing and cause damage. It's better to choose a shorter wash program first and then wash the underbody with the next vehicle wash.

While you're at it, the interior of the vehicle should also be cleaned. Dried mud, pebbles and other dirt that is on the floor mats should be brushed off and the windows should also be given special care. As a result of frequent ice scraping or the removal of fittings in the interior, the windows are most likely somewhat smeared, which means that visibility can be severely restricted, especially when exposed to sunlight. So clean it well – for the best possible view!

Short workshop check!

Many workshops also offer a quick spring check when changing tires, during which, for example, the light settings, tire pressure, etc. are checked. These checks are usually relatively inexpensive and should be carried out for your own safety and for the safety of other road users. Even if you change the tires yourself, it is worth having the other equipment and parts on the vehicle that are responsible for safety checked briefly.

Or just a new car?

May makes everything new! Spring is the time for innovations and so it is understandable that many people use this time to buy a new car. In general, this is a good time because, on the one hand, you save yourself the spring cleaning and freshening up of your own vehicle and, on the other hand, when you buy a new car, the hard time of winter's environmental influences on the car is already over and you can comfortably go into it Start summer.

However, before you buy a new vehicle, you should also take care of selling the “old” one. Of course, at many car dealerships you can trade it in directly when you buy a new car, but you can usually get a lower price than if you sold the vehicle privately. Independent used car exchanges on the Internet can always be a good tip here.

Some platforms, such as, not only buy every car, but also provide helpful tools that anyone can use to do it themselvesDetermine used car pricecan. Simple, quick and practical – if you want to sell your car, you should take a look at these pages to get an idea of ​​the value of your vehicle.

Whether it's laundry and preparation, or a new car, whatever you decide on, we wish you a safe trip and a fun summer!