Wear the braces for men correctly

The story shows that the braces for men were still used at Louis of the XIV. At that time they had met a different purpose and namely to keep the weapons. Later the gentlemen found this accessory much more comfortable than the belts themselves. Many men used the services of this gadget and considered it particularly stylish. In fact, these are a specific accessory that not everyone appreciates. You cannot attract any kind of clothing with it and look elegant or properly styled. There are some special features that, according to fashion stories, are good to know before you even take a step to buy. However, you can make your look particularly attractive and interesting, which even the other gender can look at in a romantic way. Women could also wear the accessory, whereby fashion -conscious women can look eccentrically by creating their own stylish vision. In this guide, however, we will concentrate on showing the gentlemen how to carry them properly.

If you use braces for men, they should always be in absoluteContrast to the shirt or the other piece of clothingstand. With similar colors, the stylists advise you to choose another combination. Accordingly, you can achieve the desired effect with color combinations that stand out. It is also important so that you achieve a casual and appealing look. For this reason, you should consider the accessory as a section of your clothing that will determine your own style. A large part of the male population prefers the belt as a fashionable accessory, but according to current fashion trends it is also very popular at the moment.

Define your style

Such accessories wear those who are particularly dependent on their style and want to make the right impression without being intrusive. In contrast to the belt, freedom of movement is an advantage of the braces for men when it comes to functionality. Its wearing comfort is much better for some than squeezing the pants off the belt.

Of course, the pros in terms of style are more for the accessory. Quality naturally has your price, but also think about whether you really want to look good from the possibility. In addition, wearing qualitative accessories is not only an expression of personal taste, but also your own style and well -being.

How can you style the braces?

As a gentleman, you should wear the accessory confidently and have it worked as part of your wardrobe. Maybe you don't know exactly how to wear them. Here we offer you a few examples that you can try out yourself.

Casual and cool look

This allows you to really contribute to your casual look. If you are over oneWear a leisure shirt or a shirt, a combination with a good -looking Chinese pose, as in the example shown above, would be very suitable. It is best to roll up the sleeves and add more accessories. This can lead to an amazing get -together. This is actually part of the outfit that immediately attracts attention.

Wall Street oder Business-Look

If you strive for a corporate look, wide braces would definitely be the right choice for you. You may have already seen the film “The Wolf of Wall Street” with Leonardo DiCaprio. You can also be inspired by this for your business look. If you wear such accessories correctly, success in your career is even more likely.

Rebellious indie and punk style

Boers are very popular in the punk scene, and the style you create with you can be a great inspiration for a strange outfit. With thin braces over a worn T-shirt, which is combined with jeans and punk accessories, you achieve a subversive look that expresses your personality. You don't necessarily have to put on like a real punk, but you can be inspired to adapt this clothing style to your own.

However, since men's fashion always moves towards appreciation and quality, we can only see the braces for men as another element in the elegant men's clothing. Therefore, in the next lines we describe some guidelines for carrying trousersThe elegance of your clothescan make a significant contribution.

Wear with buttons

This is really a rule for the elegant men's fashion that you shouldn't neglect. Experts in the industry claim that they should always attach the accessories with buttons. We will rely on it, but still leave you the choice.

Bad combinability with belt

This type of accessory is intended to help keep your pants up, whereby a belt would meet the same purpose. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid this combination. It is the same as a fly with oneCombine tie. Better choose one of the two possible variants.

Are belt loops okay?

Here is a topic that could trigger a lively debate: Do the braces attached with buttons fit together for men with a belt loop? Hardliners will tell you that this is not a good combination. You can probably put up with it. However, it is nice if you have different options. Especially if you have your money for onetailor -made suitspend. Perhaps you would sometimes like to put on the men's suit with a belt, but you still want to wear the braces when it allows the clothing regulation. There is nothing wrong with wearing the accessory with belt loop. However, it looks cleaner, more sophisticated and more committed when you do without the belt loop.

The right attitude

Various sizes and lengths used to be available. Such products are currently being offered with adjustments. When choosing the right length, there is a balance point between too loose and too tight. The latter can lead to an unpleasant tightening of the pants between the buttocks. In this case, our advice would be to act according to the feeling. You will certainly see when you set the braces correctly.

The accessory is best with pants that have a little space in the waist. If the tailor adapts the pants closely or perfectly to your waist, you generally do not need any braces. Unless, of course, you want to give your look a trendy note.

Wear as a subtle accessory

In the elegant men's fashion you don't necessarily have to display your pair of braces. As a subtle addition, you will be able to highlight the elegance and style of your outfit in a modest way.

The suitable evening wear

When it comes to evening clothing, braces for men are an indispensable element. To show a classic taste, rely on elegant -looking braces that are suitable for the specific occasion.

After all, we hope that you will find some ideas and advice from this article useful. The most important thing that you have to take into account must be paid to the right combination between clothing and accessories. This should not only correspond to your style, but also tastefully and adapted to the occasion. So her self -confidence grows that the people around them will definitely notice. However, if you simply add braces for men to your usual style, you won't look out of place either.