From discreet to rumbling: We reveal the hottest Bart-Styles 2019

"He already has such a beard!" This phrase emerged in the 1950s when full beards had fashioned. A joke, for example, has "such a beard" when he doesn't make anyone laugh anymore. The saying has remained, the fashion has long since changed. The untamed facial hair is currently particularly popular with young men. But that's not the only beard trend that hipsters and influencers have revived. Professional barbershops are more in demand than ever in the metropolises. But before you lie down under the knife, he should get well advised. A detailed e-book guide can be helpful for this. Which beard styles are the order of the day? Who can carry them and how best they have them been cut? Our countdown of the TOP FIVE offers a first start into the coming season:

Men's world

So you can use garlic for beard growth

Garlic is an ancient home remedy for hair loss. In this way, the strong and strengthening effect of the garlic can also be applied to the beard. The miracle tuber has the potential not only to promote beard growth, but also to grow the whiskers poet.

5. Drei-day beard

In addition to eccentric models, this variant is the timeless classic. But be careful, the apparently "casual" look requires careful care! So that he lives up to his name, it should be trimmed regularly to the same length. The effort is worth it - according to a studythe 3-day style is still considered a favorite for women.

4. Six days Bart

If you like something wilder and want to save time, you can also make six of three. The six-day beard looks even more striking than its predecessor, but still not neglected. It is particularly suitable for rectangular or elongated facial forms because it makes hard contours softer. But this variant does not do without any work. Stubble sprouts differently quickly, so it is best to let grow for two days and then stop the shortest length.

3. Incurrent

Gone the times when only grandpa wore this look. Thanks toTrend setters like Johnny Deppis also back the moust eras, in all possible variations: long, short, thin, wide ... there are no limits to creativity. Even the "porn stake", as we know it from 70s films in combination with pilot glasses, is coming back. In general, men with narrower contours can best wear the upper lip beard, it makes the face look a little more full.

2. Goate beard

For mustache lovers with rounds or oval trains, the "Goateee" is the better alternative. You not only let the hair grow above, but also below the lips. This stretches optically, but quickly seems neglected. That is why regular trimming is a must!

1. Full beard

Last but not least, the wild growth will remain the league in 2019 under fashion -conscious bearders. Depending on the head hair, very individual looks can be created. Combinations with bald head for the bottom-and-off-brave-not-look are particularly popular, or with wild mane, which can be tamed in a casual “man-buun”. But be careful with full facial faces- they quickly become fuller with full beard!

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