The right bench for living happiness: Useful tips for a stylish and comfortable dining room

Corner bench or bench? Or would you prefer an armchair? While an armchair used to be the partner of the dining table, the bench is becoming increasingly popular. It's cozy, space-saving and if unexpected visitors come, one more guest will want to use it. We explain how to find the right bank and what you should pay attention to.

The right bench for every size

The size of the room is crucial when choosing the right bench - this applies equally to the dining room and cloakroom. If benches are placed against the wall, they appear more delicate than in the middle of the room. Alternatively, a corner bench is the perfect solution forsmall rooms. Several visitors can sit on it and it takes up little space. Another advantage is that it looks very cozy!

With or without a backrest?

Benches without backrests are a stylish alternative in front of a table. They bring the Nordic style into the dining room and look very tidy. The table offers the opportunity to support yourself at the front and spend cozy hours. Are theBenchesWhen not in use, they can simply be pushed under the table, which is a big advantage, especially in small apartments.

But with a backrest it becomes even more relaxed. Leaning back between courses or simply resting your arms on the backrest while chatting is wonderful! This only works with benches with backrests. They radiate a sense of calm and literally invite you to make yourself comfortable on them. They can also be pushed slightly under the table when not in use. It just doesn't look that appealing visually. The backrest makes the bench more impressive, which means it needs a greater distance from the table.

For the elderly or children?

Children and the young at heart love benches without backrests. Simply get on from behind and even sit sideways, all of this is only possible with such seating. They encourage spontaneity and represent a relaxed lifestyle.

If many older people sit at the table, the backrest is certainly the right decision. This bench symbolizes stability and security. You can really sit down on it and perhaps use the backrest as a little help when getting up!

The right bench: wood or fabric?

The choice between a wooden bench and a fully covered bench with fabric must be carefully considered. While the fabric determines the look of the piece of furniture for the entire time it is in use, the wooden bench leaves a lot open. Different cushions can be used through theColor choice for the roomchange cost-effectively. The quality of the upholstery - leather or linen, velvet or cotton - can emphasize the style of the interior. You can even vary the decoration to suit the season and the decoration.

The disadvantage: Upholstery tends to slip off the bench. It is often difficult to find the right size so that the ensemble looks harmonious.

Easy to care for and long lasting!

As a surface, leather combines the desire for durability and comfort. At the same time, it stands for clear shapes and modern style. Mostly in nude tones, it goes well with many other colors and can be easily combined.

Table and bench, best friends!

When choosing the ideal combination of table and bench, there are a few points to consider. The style must harmonize! No matter whether country house or urbanLoft apartment. The dining room group must match the ambience of the apartment and each other. The next point is the size - the table should neither be too massive and reduce the bench to a supporting actor, nor should the bench drown out the table. This applies to both the dimensions and the design.

No tangled mess with your feet!

Bench and table meet close to each other at the legs. It is important here that they do not get in each other's way. The visitor must not be hindered and be in danger of getting caught or tripping. Whether you choose a bench with four legs or the U-shape is a matter of taste. The U-shape is the modern version and represents an urban style. It is often made of metal, which underlines the cool style.

Quick-change artist bench

The bank is one thing for sure – a quick-change artist. It is the perfect partner for a dining table, but also fits in the front room or in front of the bed in the bedroom. Thanks to the different design of materials and shapes, it underlines every style, creates atmosphere and brings variety to the room. After years when the chair pushed it away from the table, it is now back at the center of interior design - its versatility makes it a popular design element for any room!