Sometimes you just feel helpless as a mom or dad and everything will be too much. We'll tell you why you can cry.
Table of contents
- Mothers who do not control themselves are not a raven mothers
- Howls as if there was no tomorrow!
- Speak even more openly about feelings - especially yours
- We all get angry!
I don't know how you are, but there are two, three, sometimes four or five days a month, everything will be too much for me. While the job, children, household and dog harmonize with each other on the other 25-28 days and you get everything you want, one of these activities will be too much for me on the other days.
Then I am mobile and unfair, super close to the water and actually do not use anything. Of course, that doesn't work. Somehow you have to work as it says. And what then helps? Just let go and lose your nerves!
Reading tip:
Mothers who do not control themselves are not a raven mothers
No, no, don't worry, I don't want to recommend that you shout your children, make them cry and then feel better. Because that doesn't work. Anyone who has ever become really loud towards their children knows that afterwards you only feel worse.
What I mean is that we mums mums from our eyes with all the hustle and bustle of the day. Because as much as we have our lives, the children, and some also their jobs, we should love our mental health so much. And that comes to your limits (at least once a month - thanks, cycle!).
Howls as if there was no tomorrow!
In order to get rid of stress, anger and aggression, we should be much more often how our children react and just cry uninhibited. Seriously: cry and water into a pillow for five minutes and put all bad out of your body: after that you feel free and relieved. (And there are also a few tricks against the swollen eyes -.)
Even if there is no scientific proof that wines "clean" internally,Because scientists examined this in studies, so my experience has shown that everything is half as wild afterwards. As if you could simply brush off the anger and stress with tears in the handkerchief and throw it away.
Even if the freaking out on partners and children may look like a nervous breakdown, for us mums it is 10-day disposal therapy. Promised!
Also read:
Speak even more openly about feelings - especially yours
Your children will also understand you. After all, they are masters to express their feelings unfiltered. In addition, we often encourage her to openly say what is depressing, just angry, sad or sour. We want you to learn to be able to classify and understand your feelings. And as always, we parents support them even more when we go a good example.
Depending on the age of the children, we cannot expect to understand what makes mom (or dad) angry or what causes us stress. For them we are the superhero who has become meat, which gets everything regulated. (At least until the children come to puberty and the parents are just embarrassing.) In their imagination, superhero guarantees no stress, bad mood or nerves that can be overused.
However, if we explain what is definitely triggering things in us, we train your empathy and our mental health.
Reading tip:
We all get angry!
Nevertheless, it happens that we get loud to our children. Shout and prepare them. This is not nice and each of us would like to prevent it. But it's damn human.
None of us is perfect. But there are only a few things that cannot be bended again. Therefore, you should look for a conversation with the children and apologize for a real outbreak. Not for the feelings themselves, but for the valve they were looking for at the moment.
Mom is also "only" a person.
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