Decoration with old tires is very popular. On the one hand, old tires are not very difficult to find (after allChange the tires regularlyYour car), on the other hand, you are a wonderful way to recycle unused and at least reduce the unnecessary garbage a little. If you would like to use old tires for a garden decoration, you can choose a decorative fountain from car tires! We show you how easy you can build and shape it.
Fountain from car tires - instructions
To make a fountain from car tires, you do not have to be a professional craftsman or experienced hobbyist. Even beginners can make a simple variant of thisMake the car tire decoration. It only gets a little more complicated if you also want to build a roofing. Instead, a simple scaffolding of three strips is also suitable, on which you can hang a flowerpot or wooden time to give the ornamental fountain from car tire additional charm.
You need:
- 3-4 tires
- Glue or other strong glue
- Spray paint (suitable for outdoor use)
- white color
- Optional materials for roofing: wooden strips or beams and roof battens, brick or roof cardboard, corrugated iron, varnish
- Decorations such as flower pot or bucket, potting soil and flowers to plant the well, etc.
- Paint brush
- saw
- Tanding tape/ruler/roller tape
- drill
- Gardening
Build well from tires
Place the first tire in front of you (preferably right where the fountain from car tires should also be available so that you do not have to change it) and apply glue on the surface. Then stick the next tire and repeat it with the third tire. Now you can paint the car tires. Then spread the tires in the desired color, let them dry and, if necessary, apply another layer if the first is not opaque. You can then paint the car tires with the white colors to get the joints and a brick look.
While the colors dry, you can then build the roof. If you want to make it easier, just build three strips in a U-shape. The distance between the two side strips/beams should have the same distance to each other as the diameter of the tire. You can then drill this frame on the tire or pierce holes in the tire, put the lines in and then also fix them with screws. If you want to build an entire roof, add the corresponding roof battens to which you then have the roof tilesor corrugated ironor can attach roofing felt after you have painted the wood.
Decorate wells from old tires
Then only remains to decorate your fountain from car tires. Hang a bucket on the roof structure or plant it for this purpose with pretty flowers. Or how about youplant the car tire? To do this, lay a drainage layer on the floor, then fill the tires with potting soil and plant your flowers.
Alternatively, you can simply close the opening of the fountain with a round wooden plate and the fountainThen car tires as a side tableOr use to set up flower pots.
Ideas for fountains with car tires
The great thing about a fountain from car tires is that you can build it according to your ideas. Experienced people can try a more complicated roof, while beginners can also make pretty roofing with simple means. In the following we have a few more ideas that you can use as inspiration if you have one out of car tiresBuild well.
The brick look is of course not the only design variant for fountains made of car tires. A simple strip pattern as in the example above is also ideally suited. The stone look is also very popular. With it they proceed the same as for the brick look: first apply the basic color and then the joints, which this time are not symmetrical, but irregular-as with real stones.
Should your fountain from car tires consist entirely of recycled materials? Then of course you can, of course, on the one hand, for example, old wood or other materialsYour shedreuse. Or you do it as in the picture: you stack the tires and then build the frame with roofing instead of wood made of empty and painted plastic bottles. Perfect for everyone who does not like to work with saw, drill and hammer.
Here you can see an idea for the stone look already mentioned. You will also receive another inspiration. Mix concrete and cut in the sides of the tires if you like the concrete look. You can design a smooth surface or a rough one above - just as you like!
Brown is a color that works naturally and adapts particularly well to your garden. For the roofing you can use old wooden slats or build a grille out of strips. You can then make the fountain from car tires differently depending on the season - in spring and summer it can be pretty flowers, Christmas figures for Christmas or how about a creepy DementorconcreteTo Halloween?
Yellow tires for a good mood in the garden
Planted garden fountain in purple and blue
Make decorations for the garden yourself