Make decoration made of green plants in spring yourself

Everyone longs for the warm sun, for more colors and joy in everyday life. And with the break -in of spring you can decorate your home accordingly! With the help of some examples of a pretty decoration made of green plants, we would like to show you how you can welcome this great season! You really don't need much to bring a new mood into the house. The foretaste of spring now comes with green leaves, nicely arranged in a clear glass vessel. For a simple but contemporary look, use individual leaves in a pretty vase, a jug or glass.

If you do not have your own selection of green leaves in your garden, you can go to the next flower shop. There you will definitely find a rich offer. Find different leaf shapes, textures and sizes. For this guide, leaves of the butcher palm (Aspidistra), Orkapalme-Palmwedel (Areca), Mäusedorn (ruscus aculeatus) and gender (paniculata) were selected. Pour clear water into the fully arranged vessels, arrange the vases in a pleasant group and enjoy the sight! Thebeautiful springis there!

Do you already have all the vases you need? If not, then collect pretty bottles, empty lanterns and clear glass jugs. You are also good for your DIY project. Wash all vases thoroughly to make sure you are crystal clear.

Remove the damaged and wrinkled leaves of the palm fronds with a small scissors. Then you can arrange four leaves in a loose fan form.

Of course, you have to cut the stems that are too long so that the leaves match the size of the vase, so you can reach a more stable arrangement.

All you need is a bundle of a healer. The delicate, white flowers wonderfully fulfill a short, wider container and are therefore perfect for decoration made of green plants. Simply cut the branches and put the flowers in a glass to completely fill it.

Everything you need for this idea is perhaps just a sheet of the butcher palm or a branch of mouse (ruscus aculeatus). You look really wonderful, especially in a slim vase. If the stem is too thin or too soft, you can help with a very simple trick: wrap a thin wire around the stem. In this way, it stops in the vase.

The smallest glass vessel is also worth something. Collect a few mouse petals (Ruscus Aculeatus) and arrange them in a small, square glass that may have served as a lantern.