Dear readers! Maybe you are looking for new DIY decoration ideas for a wall art project? We are welcome to help you here, because today's short contribution will probably be the right thing for you. Get ready for your own marble projects! All you need is: a water tank, nail polish and a canvas of your choice! With these materials you can create a great work of art that is in harmony with the last marble tendencies!
We particularly like marble. We certainly accept it too. Below you will find a close -up of a tile, the visual texture of whichhas inspired today's project!
But do we want to do with thatprojectbegin?
Here is the list of everything necessary:
Nail polish in the colors of your choice
Skewers or other sticks to stir to stir
A display surface, such as paper or canvas
Disposable container
Instead of buying new and expensive paint for this project, you should better check whether you don't have any at home that you can use for this purpose. If you no longer feel like wearing this paint on your toenails, then the chances are very high to use it for this art project. For today's project, I chose the colors green, cream and peach.
The individual steps of the marble project
A few words before we start working! You have to know, everything is going very quickly, yes, really fast and easy! And one more thing, a lot stinks! In any case, you have to work in a well -ventilated room! You can also protect your hands with gloves.
Step 1: Fill a disposable container with water. If you do not have a disposable container at hand, you can alternatively get a plastic container for a few euros. Please note that you do not need to fill the entire container with water.
Step 2: Pour the nail polish into the container! It quickly becomes tight, so you have to quickly add one color after the other.
Step 3: Use a stick to stir the polish. This will achieve the marble effect.
Step 4: Place your canvas or paper in the container at the bottom, then lift it and put it flat for drying. We recommend that you work with small surfaces. Small areas are better suited for this project, the polish on it dries very quickly.
DIY decoration in marble-look helpful tricks and installation tips
If you want to create more than one work of art, you have to check whether the water between the different intake phases remains clear and clean. Of course, you have the option of quickly removing the substance that has already become fixed with a stick. The project displayed here could be fine in oneParent bedroomfit from the 80s. You can also realize other wonderful, cool marble projects. Just don't shy away from this bold accent colors!
Design colored canvases
It also helps to have multicolored canvases on hand. We all want everything to work wonderfully, don't you? As far as the representation of this art is concerned, there are no limits here! Hang your work of art on the wall or leave it on the bookshelf. You can also lean against a large marble tile, as it is shown below.
Thank you for participating in this adventure with us. We wish you good luck on your next creative project!
Unique to give away
Pastelly and strong colors in imaginative shapes
DIY decoration for little money