DIY table decoration - original ideas for little money

For a pretty decoration in the house or as a stylish addition on the festival board, you don't necessarily have to spend tons of money to impress the guests. With a little imagination and some transparent glasses, you can make a great DIY table decoration yourself for the house and the garden.

Fresh flowers always ensure a more romantic atmosphere, especially when they are combined with candles. Choose a few of your favorite flowers and cut off the stems almost to flower. Place theFlowerOn the table and put pretty wine glasses over it. For the finishing touch, place romantic candles on the glasses. ThisDecorationCosts a little money and can be made in less than 5 minutes.

Decorative sand

Everyone knows how pretty colorful sand is a decoration. The colors merged and shape interesting shapes. But what do you need to make such a decoration yourself?
Buy different colors, colorful sand, transparent glasses and tea lights.
Pour every color into an extra bowl. With the help of a tablespoon, they slowly pour some sand in one of the glasses while they turn it carefully. Make the same with the other colors. Finally, add a tealight for this DIY table decoration.

Fill a pretty glass with colorful sand

Black and white for an elegant look

Colored stones are also suitable for this idea

With such granules from wax you can design a candle yourself

Another great idea are glass stone, which is also available in different colors. With them you can fill a glass and then put any candle in the middle.

Decorative glass stonechen

Decoration with golden shimmer

Of course there are many other variants. The next one is primarily suitable for the kitchen. For this you need beans, lentils, coffee and dried peas. With them you can form floors on a higher glass. Finally, add a candle.

From products from the kitchen

Green lentils as decoration

Using coffee beans for the table decoration is a great idea

If you have come to visit unexpectedly and have no time to prepare a DIY table decoration, then you can simply take a few wine glasses, fill them with a little water and let a teal light swim in it.

A simple and fast table decoration

More ideas that you can easily imitate: