Make your own christening gifts and packaging – 20 ideas

When you plan the baptism party, you are mainly concerned with finding the right decoration and color, arranging the seats, finding suitable flowers and creating the perfect atmosphere. You can quickly forget a lot of things. That's why we would like to remind you of the guests and that you can make them happy too by planning small gifts for the guests. This also has another advantage, because the gifts also serve as table decorations for baptisms, which look very beautiful among the other decorations. We have put together some ideas for baptism gifts that you can also make yourself.

If you choose purchased gifts, you may at least need some interesting packaging. In this way you can present small objects or sweets in a more original way. We have also put together some simple instructions for this. No matter which of the ideas you choose, the gift ideas will have special meaning and serve as a small souvenir for guests. But more about that below!

Homemade gifts are always well received

Since it is a Christian festival, it is an advantage if every gift is includeda suitable motifis provided. This can be a cross, but sheep of the stars, which symbolize the star of Bethlehem, are also suitable. Of course this is not mandatory! If you like other ideas better, you are of course free to choose. We would like to start with some gift ideas and move on to packaging ideas later.

Little messages in a glass

Let's start with this idea for baptism party favors in a glass. It's a quick and fairly simple idea, so it's also suitable if you're expecting a lot of guests. You need:

  • small glass bottles with corks
  • white, decorative sand
  • coarse glitter
  • Silk ribbon in any color
  • Jutegarn
  • Paper for printing or labeling
  • self-adhesive glitter stones
  • Crosses
  • Hot glue gun and hot glue
  1. Labeling the paper takes the most time. You will receive your messages faster if you write them on the computer and then simply print them out. There are two options available to you to choose between, depending on how much time and desire you have. Each guest can have one and the same message. These can be thanks, congratulations, a quote and the like. Depending on the occasion, you can also assign a different quote to each guest and thus create personalized christening gifts.
  2. The scraps of paper are then rolled up. Make sure you choose the right size so that the roll fits into the bottle later. You can use a pen to roll it up. While the paper is still wrapped around the pen, secure the roll with a piece of jute twine.
  3. Now fill the jars with the sand, a roll each and some glitter and cut silk ribbons long enough to decorate with small crosses.
  4. Put on the cork. Add some hot glue to the neck of the bottle. There you start winding yarn. After a few turns, add another drop to the neck and fix the end in this way too.
  5. Tie the silk ribbon around the neck of the bottle in the same way. Make a bow and decorate each with a rhinestone. Complete!

The idea doesn't necessarily require you to choose a bottle-shaped container. You can also design the christening gifts with test tubes or other containers. Small jam jars, for example, look very cute. In principle, it all depends on what you want to put in the container.

The decorations for the interior can vary as you wish. Edible ingredients such as cocoa, Smarties or other candies and herbs and spices that are suitable for making tea are also suitable. You are welcome to place both sweet gift ideas and those with herbs on a table so that everyone can choose their own gift. But then you should make a larger number so that you don't end up with something left for someone that they don't really want.

Decorative flower balls

The balls are perfectDecoration for the table, which those present can also use for their homes afterwards. You need:

  • Styrofoam balls of any size
  • a punch for floral motifs
  • Pins with a pretty head
  • Craft paper of any color

The goal is to cover the entire ball with flowers. To do this, punch out a lot of flowers. Using the pins, these are then stuck onto the Styrofoam ball. Make sure that the individual flowers overlap so that the ball itself is no longer visible at the end. You can choose the color pink for girls and blue for boys for the paper. If you have used a specific main color for the entire party decoration, the balls can also be coordinated with it.

Make your own seed paper

Seed paper is an interesting thing and wonderful if you want to make your own baptism gifts. It is paper that contains flower seeds and can later be planted in the garden or a flower pot, depending on the type of flower. It is best to choose small seeds as they can be better integrated into the paper.

You can use any waste paper for the paper. Only glossy paper is not suitable. Egg cartons are also a wonderful option, especially if you choose colored ones. In principle, the paper you use should be able to absorb moisture. Otherwise, you will need water, a sieve, flower seeds, a cookie cutter with any motif and a bath towel or diaper inserts for the project.

  1. Shred the paper in a bowl and add water. Now let the paper soak for a few hours (preferably overnight).
  2. You can then process the paper water into a kind of puree in a blender.
  3. Then stir in the seeds and then put the sieve ready.
  4. Place the cookie cutter in the sieve and fill it with the paper to get the desired shape. The water drips off automatically.
  5. Press the paper again to squeeze out any remaining water.
  6. Now remove the cookie cutter (make sure that the seed paper does not fall out) and place the seed paper on a surface that can absorb further water (towel or diaper inserts). Now the cookie cutter is free again for the next motif.
  7. The finished seed paper motifs must dry completely. Keep in mind that direct sun drying can bleach colored paper slightly.

Make your own soap from lavender

Those present will certainly be at least as happy about good-smelling soap. You can buy these, but this guest gift will be much cheaper and of course more original if you make it yourself. The ingredients are enough for a very large bar of soap, which you either cut into smaller pieces at the end or pour the liquid into several molds at once. It's best to try out the recipe first so you can estimate how much you'll need for all your guests. The soap doesn't necessarily have to be too big for a guest gift. In addition to molds, you will need:

  • 500g coconut oil
  • 600 g Rapeseed
  • 500 g olive oil
  • 520 ml distilled water
  • 220 g Sodium hydroxide
  • 50 ml lavender oil
  • 2 handfuls of lavender or less
  • two steel pots or bowls for heating
  • wooden spoon
  • Kitchen thermometer
  1. Pay attention to the order when preparing! Heat the first three oils to 60 degrees.
  2. Meanwhile, pour the water into a bowl and add sodium hydroxide to make a lye. This produces gases that you should not breathe in.
  3. Add the lye to the oils and stir until the liquid becomes thick.
  4. Finally, stir in lavender oil and flowers, pour into molds and allow to harden.

Give away sweets

If you would like to give away something sweet as a reward, there are a variety of options available. Of course, home-baked food is preferable to store-bought food. It doesn't matter whether it's cookies that you design and label with fondant or homemade chocolates. You can use a bonbonniere that you have for the christeningmake your own out of papercan. Cupcakes can also be decorated with crosses, angel wings and the like to suit the occasion. It's best to pack the sweets in one of the packaging ideas below or you can come up with something yourself. Beautiful muffin cases are available for cupcakes, which you can use as gifts.

The so-called cake pops are very popular, which also makes them the perfect gift idea. They are made from ready-made cake base.Some delicious recipesWe even have it here for you. You decide for yourself how you offer the cake pops as christening gifts. Either each guest receives a cake on a stick at their place or you create a bouquet of these cake pops on a nearby table (e.g. the dessert table) from which everyone can take one may. When packaging and designing them, you can again use ribbons, photos, tags or labels with messages.

Bracelets, candles and keychains

Otherwise, you can make a variety of bracelets and necklaces for women and key chains for men. The candle, which can be individually designed using the decoupage technique, is also ideal as a christening gift. Stickers and pendants are also well suited for designing the candles and can be used as baptism gifts with the photo of the child being baptized. You can just as easily buy ready-made lanterns and then decorate them additionally.

DIY packaging for party favors

Baptism gifts with chocolate, candies or other small things are best packaged in homemade boxes or other ideas. Craft paper and cardboard are good materials and can be made particularly pretty with punches or serrated scissors. You can also add small labels to the packaging on which either the name of the guest or the child being baptized, as well as the date, thanks and congratulations are written.

These little boxes are very cute and you can also use them to give away cupcakes. But of course other items can also be stored in it. You can see how to make this cupcake box in the instructions above. A wide strip of paper is glued to a paper circle to make the box. The easiest way to make this task is to stick the circle on a bracelet, string or something similar and then place the strip of paper inside.

For the lid, use a compass to draw a circle on paper and divide it into 15 segments. Measure approx. 5 mm from the edge in each segment and mark these points. Now you can create the wavy edge. Then cut three of the segments as shown, adding a tab for gluing. The curves are still folded, after which you can glue the flap to the other edge. This creates the shape of a pyramid. You can design the tip additionally.

You can even make interesting packaging for baptism gifts from a simple paper cup. It is best to choose a colored mug. Make eight evenly spaced cuts, with the length of the cut equal to the top radius of the cup. The flaps thus obtained are then folded inwards. Before sealing the cup, fill it with any gifts.

These classic boxes are also quick and easy to make. The first thing you need is a stencil that you draw on plain paper with a compass. You will end up with a shape consisting of two intersecting circles. Also note the places where the paper will be folded later. You then transfer this figure onto colored construction paper, after which you fold the paper into shape. You can decorate the gift box as you wish with ribbons, string and other decorations.

If you would like to sew packaging for baptism gifts, you can use any fabric for this purpose. Pretty bags can also be made with lace or linen fabric. Of course, such bags can also be bought ready-made, but ultimately you want to design something completely individual. Finally, the small bags are just filled and closed with a nice ribbon. The ribbon can then also be used to attach a sign.

Pack christening sweets in an original way

We allknow the crackers, which are very popular in Great Britain, especially on New Year's Eve. Their pleasant appearance is also very suitable for christening gifts. And the best thing about this idea is that you can easily make it yourself. Below we will show you simple instructions that you can adapt to your own requirements. Simply use colors for the paper that match those of your planned decoration. You can then hide any things inside: sweets, small bath bombs, pendants as a reminder of this big day or anything else you can think of. You can make your own christening candy packaging:

  • Tissue paper or wrapping paper
  • Toilet paper rolls (or kitchen paper rolls for larger candies)
  • cord
  • Any decorations such as stickers, rhinestones, ribbons etc.
  • small gifts to fill the christening sweets
  • Glue

For this type of baptism favor, cut squares of tissue paper large enough to cover the openings of the roll. Tape one side of the toilet roll closed with one of the squares. Then you can fill it, after which you also close the other side. Then cut eithermade of wrapping paperOr make a large square out of tissue paper and wrap it completely around the roll, sticking the paper in place. This piece should be slightly longer than the circumference of the roll and also significantly longer so that you can tie the ends together at the end to get the typical look of the cracker. Use string to tie it together, which you can then hide with a pretty ribbon. After you make the christening candy packaging yourself, you can decorate it as you like, add a label or other things.

Fabric packaging

Of course, not only paper is suitable for wrapping. If you want the christening favors to look particularly elegant and romantic, you can also make the christening candy packaging yourself using beautiful fabrics. Fabric handkerchiefs or fabric scraps from your last sewing projects are ideal for this. However, if these are notTheme of decorationIf it fits, you can of course also buy new fabrics. Linen is particularly suitable for this. For crafting, proceed in the same way as if you were working with paper. Textile scissors would be an advantage, but if necessary, normal craft scissors will also work.

Make your own geometric baptism sweets for a modern baptism

If you want to make crafting even easier, you can use a template. We have two such templates for these geometric christening sweets - one in normal size and one in small format for smaller models. All you have to do is print the template on the paper you want and then cut it out along the continuous lines. The easiest and cleanest way to cut out the diamonds is with a cutter. Then fold each candy along the dotted lines, fill them and tie them together.

If the monochrome version seems too modern for you, you can of course also use motif paper that suits your ideas. Nowadays you can find paper with a variety of patterns, including floral patterns for a more romantic look. Be creative when you make your own baptism candy packaging for baptism gifts.

Candy templatein normal size.
Templatefor mini format.

Nice idea made from crepe paper

Make your own transparent christening candy packaging

Romantic with roses, square or simple in neutral colors

Decorate baptism sweets beautifully