Planting a glass bowl: Simple instructions with the necessary materials and plants that are suitable for this

Plants in glass are not only a great change from classic pots, but also look even more elegant, stylish and interesting. In addition to the original terrariums, there are also simple glass bowls that are popular with plants and are also ideal for beginners. Would you like to be able to admire such beautiful decorations in your home? We explain how exactly you go about planting, what materials you need and, above all, which plants are suitable for planting in a glass bowl.

What should you pay attention to when caring for plants?

An important point that you should definitely keep in mind when planting in a glass bowl is that this container does not have drainage holes and therefore the risk of waterlogging is greater. This would be fatal for most plants. When it comes to care, this means that you should only water in small amounts, depending on the plant, once a month or as soon as the soil is dry. Additionally, the drainage layer mentioned below is important for this very reason. It allows the excess water to drain away and insulates the roots so that root rot does not occur.

Plant a glass bowl – These plants are suitable

Particularly easy-care and drought-resistant plants that can survive with less water for longer periods of time are ideal for planting in glass containers. This way you won't be tempted to overdo the watering. Accordingly, it is primarily cacti and succulents that are often chosen if you want to plant a glass bowl. And the selection is really big. AlsoTillandsia, i.e. air plantsPlants that do not require soil and are only sprayed with water now and then are ideal, as are orchids and ferns. Here is a small selection of suitable plants for planting in open glass containers:

  • Aloe mitriformis
  • Dendrobium
  • Echeveria agavoides
  • Echinocactus
  • Frauenhaarfarn
  • money tree
  • Geweihfarn
  • Mammillaria
  • Nestfarn
  • Oncidium
  • Pellefarn
  • Phalaenopsis (also the mini version)
  • Sword fern
  • The pachyphyllum seed

A notice:While there is more humidity and warmth in closed or half-closed glass vessels, the glass bowl is completely open. So there is a completely different climate. That's why plants arefor terrariumsare suitable, not necessarily also suitable if you are planting in a glass bowl!

Cactus or succulent in a glass: This is how you prepare the container

Before you get started, you must of course get all the necessary materials and have them ready. In addition to suitable plants and a container, the substrate is also important. You need these things before you start with the instructions:

  • Glass bowl of any size (depending on the amount of plants)
  • coarser pebbles and/or:
  • smaller pebbles
  • Cactus or succulent soil
  • any plants (choose those that have the same or very similar care needs)
  • optional decorations (decorative stones, figures, etc.)

Place a layer of gravel in the bowl. This is the so-called drainage layer, which is intended to prevent waterlogging. Then spread the potting soil over this layer of gravel and then plant the plants in it. If you plant in a glass bowl, you can create beautiful groups. But solitary plants are also suitable, it is your work of art and you decide for yourself.

Then you can decorate your glass bowl as you wish. You can also spread a thin layer of gravel on top of the potting soil.

Plant glass bowl with orchids

In principle, you proceed with the orchid in the same way as with the other plants, except that in addition to the drainage and substrate layer (usesuitable orchid substrate) add another layer of spaghnum moss or other peat moss as a finish.

So add gravel and then a layer of substrate into the bowl. Then place the orchid in the middle (or two mini orchids) and fill the container with more substrate. In the end, the root neck should be just below the edge of the bowl. Cover the whole thing with the moss. Your glass bowl decoration with orchid is ready!

Alternatively, you can also use theTry hydroculture, however, you will then need a taller glass container that can support the plant.

Plant beautiful spring bowls

In keeping with the approaching spring, you can also plant a beautiful spring glass bowl. To do this, simply use flower bulbs of typical spring flowers such as daffodils or hyacinths, which are already available in stores. Here too, the drainage layer is important so that the flower bulbs do not rot. Combine different flowers or create a large group of the same type of flowers - the choice is yours!

Here too, you can distribute moss as a finishing touch or use any other decorations to beautify the flower bowl.

Can you keep a bonsai in glass?

The only problem with this version is the lack of drainage holes. So it's definitely possible, as long as you keep the irrigation under control, because if the water accumulates, sooner or later the roots will rot. Drainage made of finer gravel or sand is an option, although you still need to be careful with irrigation. With bonsai, shape and size also play a role depending on age and species and you need bonsai substrate. So keep that in mind when making your choice.