Today we want to give you an interesting oneDIY-ProjectImagine that is filled with lots of color and happy mood in a tropical style! If you are also looking to add a dose of vibrancy to your workspace or living space, then you are reading the right article. Because we'll show you here how you can create a small oneDIY terrarium with plantcan create at home. Firstly, this is not difficult to implement and secondly, it is very easy to maintain. With the necessary accessories and a little imagination, you can make a DIY terrarium with a plant by hand in less than an hour! Shall we bet? Just follow our instructions and get started!
DIY terrarium with plant – many design options
And if you just want to create a beautiful decorative element for your home that requires no maintenance and no care, then just leave it aloneplantaway as shown below! But read on to find out all the necessary details for the DIY terrarium with plant!
DIY terrarium with plant in tropical style – What you need:
– a glass ball
– Sand or gravel
– mussels
– colorful small stones
– an air plant system
– a paper umbrella/cocktail umbrella
DIY terrarium with plant – Use sand or pebbles as a substrate
During my vacation by the sea last summer, I collected shells, small stones and pieces of glass. I also have very interesting clam shells from other vacations that are also ideal for this project!
For the DIY terrarium shells, corals or snail shells
And if you have small pieces of marble tiles at home, then I can only imagine that your DIY terrarium with plant will look excellent! Because you could really use these little pieces of marble right now!
Combine the plant in the terrarium with pieces of marble or stone
Put together the DIY terrarium with plants
Are you ready to start the DIY terrarium with plant project?! Below are a few easy steps for creating your own tropical style air plant terrarium! For the DIY terrarium with plant, start by sprinkling a layer of gravel on the bottom of the glass ball. I wanted to create a colorful effect and chose gravel in white and pink. Looks interesting, don't you think?
Idea for the terrarium arrangement with sand
Now you can experiment a lot when arranging your project. Look for different options and arrangements until you are happy with the look of your DIY terrarium with plant. You can integrate the colorful stones into the arrangement here! As you can see, I included a lot of little tropical-themed things in this project: let your imagination run wild, so you can create a visual representation of your perfect day at the beach. Here are a few more breezy tropical style ideas:
DIY terrarium with plant – try out several variations
Choose your final design and create your DIY terrarium with plant! We've come to the best part of this project: It's constantly evolving as you can change little details or add anything else that you find suitable for your air plant terrarium over time. If you are tired of a certain look of your terrarium with air plants, change the look right away and enjoy your DIY work again!
Cocktail umbrellafor exotic flair in the terrarium
Don't forget to give the DIY terrarium with plant that special tropical touch by adding a cute cocktail umbrella!
You can place your paper umbrella at the top of the glass ball or you can add it to the inside. It is important that your arrangement in the DIY terrarium with plants is not disturbed! But I can assure you, in both cases it looks great with a cocktail umbrella!
As I mentioned at the beginning of today's article, there is basically no rule that says you absolutely have to have a plant in the terrarium. If you put a large clam shell there, the air plant might be unnecessary! Your DIY terrarium with plant will certainly remind you of your last beach vacation or the turquoise waters of the tropical sea for a long time. Sometimes it's the little things that help us escape the stress of everyday life, right?! We wish you creativity, imagination and craftsmanship when creating your air plant terrarium!