Tying the hydrangea wreath: Instructions for an autumn wreath made of dry flowers

If you have oneflowering cereal bushin the garden, then you can tie a hydrangea wreath and bring nature into the house. It is super easy and well suited even for complete beginners. In today's post we explain how you can make a wreath of dried hydrangea flowers yourself. It is a nice decorative idea for summer and autumn.

Binding the hydrangea wreath: autumn decorations made of dried flowers

The first idea is for a beautiful wreath of dried flowers. You can both hydrangeas as well as othersDry flowers from the home garden. Optionally, you can buy and dry seasonal fresh flowers - this is a cheaper alternative to the already dried flowers. In the following we will explain how to do this. You will need a lot of flowers for this craft idea.

Ball hydrangeas are well suited for drying. Varieties such as “Nikko Blue”, “Endless Summer” or “Anabelle” form beautiful, large flower buds and points with a long heyday from July to September. In the beginning, the flowers are purple, blue or pink. At the end of the flowering period, they turn into light green and feel like a leaf of old paper. Then the right time is to cut off and dry the flower toilets. For this purpose, you have to remove all leaves from the stems and hang the hydrangeas head over a dark and cool room. A garden house or a roof room is well suited. The basement is less suitable due to the high humidity. Ventilate the room several times a day.

If you do theCut off the hydrangea too earlythere is a risk that you can turn brown when drying. To prevent this, you can fill some water into a vase or jam glass so that the stems are immersed in the water about 5 cm. Place the vase with the freshly cut flower buds in a cool and shady place. Wait to dry until the flowers turn turn into light green.

Incidentally, you can also dry other garden flowers. The drum stick and the straw flower are suitable partners for hydrangea because they bloom at the same time. If you want to dry the flowers, you can hang them upside down in a dark place.

Binding the hydrangea wreath: Overview of the necessary materials

A door wreath made of dried flowers lasts very long and can easily defy cold. Hence the perfect oneDecoration for the hallwayOr the apartment door. For the project you need the following materials:

  • a vine or willow wreath
  • Dry flowers (ball shorts varieties “Nikko Blue” or “Annabelle”, drumsticks and straw flowers)
  • Hot glue
  • A flower spray for coloring flowers (floristry) in blue for the “Nikko Blue” variety or light green for the “Annabelle” variety
  • A color-neutral UV protection spray for art flowers

Tips when buying the materials: You can use a brown vine wreath, but it is better if you choose a white one. If the wreath looks through the flowers, white will catch less in the eye and fit harmoniously into the light blue color palette of the flowers.

The flower spray is used by many florists to color dry flowers. So you can help if the flowers lose their color after the drying time.

You can also use the UV protection spray for art flowers for decorationUse dry flowers. It protects you from bleaching and prevents you from becoming brittle.

Step by step DIY instructions

1. Cut the hydrangeas and the other flowers early in the morning. Depending on the diameter of the vine wreath, the number of flowers required can also vary widely. To be on the safe side, arrange the fresh flowers on the wreath.

2. Let the flowers dry.

3. Put the stems of the hydrangeas into the vine wreath, fix with hot glue if necessary. Alternatively, you can also attach the dry flowers with floral wire. This type of fastening is more tedious than gluing, but it has the advantage that you take the hydrangea wreath apart and theVitemy then for other craft ideascan use.

4. Check whether all flowers are well fixed and bring the wreath into the garden.

5. Hold the hydrangea wreath with one hand and spray with the other hand with color spray for flowers. Let the hydrangea wreath dry out in good weather and in bad - let it dry in a well -ventilated room. A color spray in blue brings a touch of romance to the autumn decoration. The door wreath in light green and white looks fresh and is suitable for spring.

6. After the color has dried, fill the gaps with other dry flowers. Drum sticks and straw flowers are very durable and do not fade. However, they have very fine stems and therefore have to be fixed with hot glue or with double -sided adhesive tape.

7. Tip when designing a flower wreath: always attach the large flowers and then the smaller ones. The number of flowers vary from any kind. For example: twice as much straw flowers as drum sticks.

8. If the hydrangea wreath is exposed to direct sunlight, then you should spray it with UV protection spray. If he is decorating the apartment door or a hallway without a window, this step can be omitted.

Binding the hydrangea wreath: Crafting spring decorations

Spring -like and fresh, a hydrangea wreath in green. You can only use drumstop for this project - your bright yellow color will effectively complement the grass -green color of the “Annabelle” variety.

When the wreath is finished, you can decorate it as desired. Fabric bands, small decorative figures and other natural materials can give the hydrangea wreath a distinctive charm. It will cut a good figure both over the fireplace and at the apartment door. Don't forget to treat the wreath with UV protection spray so that its color does not fade.

Tying the hydrangea wreath: Suitable partner

Hardensia and eucalyptus just go well together. You can also dry the eucalyptus branches. Proceed as follows: First, let the eucalyptus branches rest in a cool place in the house for several days. After a week you will slowly lose your color. Then you can hang them upside down and let them dry in a well -ventilated room for a month.

Roses and hydrangeas go well together and look good both in the flower bed and dried on the vine wreath. The roses are dried similarly to the hydrangeas and can also be colored with color spray for flowers. Since the stems of the dried roses are very tender, you should glue the flowers directly to the wreath with hot glue.

Tip: If you do not want to have enough fresh flowers or want to buy, you can only decorate half of the vine wreath.

Vine wreath with natural materials

You can also put together a cool autumn decoration with the following materials:

  • Vine wreath in brown
  • Pine cone
  • Morchel, dried, with the stems
  • Decorative
  • dried hydrangeas
  • Moos

Put the moss into the vine wreath, wrap branches with green leaves around him and fill out the gaps with the morels and dried white hydrangeas. You have to attach the decorative pumpkin and cones with the hot glue. You can also use floral wire for the other decoration pieces from nature.

If you have cut off the hydrangeas at the wrong time, then you will change color when drying. With a little creativity and skill, you can still use the flowers. Combine them with fresh binding green, with red flowers and with other brown natural materials such as cones, acorns, feathers and chestnuts to achieve an autumn look. The goal is to design the autumn wreath as natural as possible.

Alternatively, you can also combine different types of hydrangea or color the flowers of a variety in different colors. Varieties that bloom in white are particularly suitable for this purpose. Proceed as follows: color the flowers individually or in groups and then attach them to the wreath. It looks very nice when you create a gentle transition between the different colors. You can do it super easily: start with white and then arrange yellow, light green, pink, light blue and lavender one after the other.

If you spray the dried hydrangeas three times with the color spray, you get a very intense color. The end result - the dried flowers look confusing fresh hydrangeas. This can be decorated with spring wreaths quite well. Popular combination partners are fresh green branches that are wrapped around the flowers.

A hydrangea wreath brings a vintage touch into the interior. We have already told you how to dry individual flower toilets and then make a beautiful door wreath. But you can also bind or buy a wreath of fresh flower toilers and then let it dry. Hang the wreath on a dry, dark and well -ventilated place. After a week, the wreath should be completely dry. Spray him with hairspray to make it durable. Direct sunlight can lead to discoloration, so you should hang the wreath in a shady place or in a room that is not too light.