Decorating lanterns for the summer – 6 ideas that will put you in a summer mood

Lanterns, especiallyplaced in groups, can now be found in every indoor and outdoor area. No wonder, because they not only create a great atmosphere by themselves or by decorating them with candles. You can place a variety of decorations in it and take your outdoor decoration to the next level. We've put together some ideas to show you the different ways you can decorate a lantern. So if you also want to decorate your lanterns for the summer, you might find just the right thing in our gallery!

Decorate lanterns with flowers for summer

How about you use the lanterndecorate with flowers? It's a really wonderful way to bring summer to the terrace or balcony. Simply plant the flowers or plants in a pot that also fits the lantern and place it inside. So that the plant doesn't get too hot inside, it is recommended to leave the lantern door open. Any flowers that you would otherwise plant in your flower pots are suitable. But succulents are also extremely popular and perfect when decorating lanterns for the summer.

You have againplanned a partyIf you want to decorate the lanterns for the summer, you can put together small arrangements and attach them to the outside of the lanterns or simply place them inside the lantern. Even bouquets of flowers are ideal for temporary decoration - just place them in a glass of water. Of course, any flower decoration for lanterns can also be made with artificial flowers.

Flowers in a vase

Design a large outdoor lantern with real or artificial flowers

Succulents in a pot

Happy sunflowers for indoors and outdoors

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have just the right colors for a great summer decoration and are therefore perfect when decorating lanterns for the summer. Put the fruit bowl in the cupboard and fill the lantern with lemons and limes instead. You can also combine these with a few flowers. Of course, other summer fruits such as apricots or peaches are also suitable.

Design a maritime lantern

A little sand, shells from your last vacation (or bought) and maybe a candle - that's all you need if youmaritime lanternsdecorate for summer. You can distribute sand and shells directly in the lantern as decoration or arrange them in a mason jar and then place them in the lantern. A large pillar candle also looks very pretty, around which you tie a shell, a starfish, driftwood, sea glass or other elements from the sea.

Lantern decoration with a difference - shells instead of or in combination with candles

Or place the lantern on its back, open the door and fill it completelywith mussels. Close the door again and place the finished decoration on the terrace, balcony, entrance area or somewhere else.

Lantern decoration in summer – bring that beach feeling to the terrace

With ropes

Also withropes and netscreate a great maritime accent on the lantern. Simply replace the metal handle with a suitable rope and you can set up or even hang the lantern. Simple, easy and quick!

Lanterns decorate for summer with fabric

You can use the lanterns perfectly to complement your textiles outdoors or indoors. Simply use fabrics with the same patterns or colors and make bows out of them, which you can then easily use to decorate the lanterns for the summer. You could just as easily line the lanterns with the respective material. Ideal if you want to decorate both small and large lanterns.

Summer decoration for terraces and balconies - lantern for outside as lighting

Would you like to use the actual function of the lanterns, namely, theIlluminate the outdoor area? This is of course possible with real or LED candles, but not only. Fairy lights are also often used for this purpose. It doesn't matter whether you prefer solar or battery-powered models. Glowing lanterns look very pretty, especially in groups. You can also decorate a large lantern this way for the summer.