It was like this for me: I didn't wear lipstick until I got married. Before it was always just a lip gloss. It was easy with lip gloss, it doesn't get all over your teeth! Is it true? So, I didn't know what to do with my makeup on my wedding day.
But my makeup consultant completely changed everything, and I finally understood why women all over the world are obsessed with these little "pigment sticks." I've now become a lipstick fanatic too!
I honestly believe that if you apply your new lipstick correctly, you canCompletely change your face. The color you choose can make or break your entire look. Too dark? You will look vampy. Too pink? You will look immature. Precisely? They look fantastic!
Bright lipsticks make your lips look full.
Darker shades of lipstick make lips look thin.
Bright lipsticks attract attention to your teeth. You definitely need to get your teeth whitened before the wedding.
Glossy lipsticks can't last that long! Therefore, prefer matte or creamy lipsticks!
Pearl lip colors add a subtle shimmer and make your lips stand out.
Paint applied with a brush lasts longer. Drinking through a straw helps too!
Lip liner is aMust! Choose a color that is slightly lighter and goes well with your lipstick.
Do you want to go to the wedding reception without makeup? Then choose only the lipstick in a color that is deeper than your natural lip shade. This looks really adorable!
Lipstick can also go bad. If it has a bad smell or a bitter taste – just throw it away!
And if you want irresistibly beautiful lips, then you'll definitely find what you're looking forDior. An overview of just a few suggestions from the noble brand:
Apply lipstick correctly - choose a shade from the table below:
Pink Lipstick
Naturally beautiful pink nuances
Makeup for everyday life
Apply pink lipstick