Children build a mud kitchen from pallets and other materials – ideas and instructions

All parents are happy when their children spend a lot of time outdoors because it is known to be healthy. So it's no wonder that in the age of computers and smartphones they are always looking for ways to lure the little bullies into the garden. In addition to slides, swings or a sandpit, there are many other things that you can use to create your own playground as a retreat in the garden for the children. What's even better is that you can even build many of these things yourself. Have you ever heard of it? It is extremely popular with children, because what child doesn't like to get really dirty or just experiment with things with different textures? If you would like to build a mud kitchen and use it to expand the children's playground in the garden, then we may be able to help you with the following instructions.

The simplest version for children is the one forPallets are used. But as simple as it sounds, there are two things you should keep in mind if you start your search and don't just decide on the first one that comes along:

  • As is well known, pallets come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and designs. That's why it's also important that you think about the future palette before you buy it so that you ultimately get exactly what will be useful to you. Sure, you can trim pallets that are too large, remove unnecessary boards, or use other things. But why should you do the work when it could be easier? After all, that's why you chose a variant with pallets, isn't it?
  • Also keep an eye on the condition of the pallets you found. The wood should be in good condition. Because what's the point of transporting the pallet home if most of the boards are then unusable and have to be replaced. If you also paid for it, it's even more annoying.

Construction instructions

So would you like to take this DIY project with you?Make your own pallets, you have chosen the simpler option, which is particularly recommended for hobby craftsmen. For the model in the picture above you will need the following things, but you can vary them to suit your needs:

  • 2 pallets (one for the table top and one for the back wall)
  • possibly thin strips of wood that fit into the gaps between the boards
  • 4 beams or other wood for the table legs (the wood from a third pallet can also be used)
  • 2 boards for fixing the legs of the same length as the countertop is wide (can be used from a third pallet)
  • screws
  • Drill driver
  • a metal sink or alternatively a metal bowl
  • Hooks or screws for hanging kitchen utensils
  • various kitchen utensils such as sieves, jugs, spoons etc.
  • a jigsaw

Instructions for the DIY project

Two different wooden pallets were used for this project. While the model for the back wall has gaps between the boards, the boards for the worktop are placed very close together. Since the pallet was a little too big for the back wall, it was shortened a little on the sides. Depending on what kind of pallets you have found, this may not be absolutely necessary for you. Even if you like the gaps, you can leave them as is. That depends entirely on how you imagine the finished construction project with pallets. When you build the mud kitchen, you can proceed completely individually.

Next, cut the wood for the table legs. You can make this step easier by using ready-made table legs from an old table if you can find them. But then you need additional material to be able to fix the back wall. In this guide, two longer beams were used for the back legs and two shorter ones for the front table legs. They are fixed with the two additional boards that are screwed to the side of the worktop. The back wall is then placed on the long beams and screwed in place in the same way. Then use a suitable saw to cut the hole for the sink in the wood. Make sure this is slightly smaller than the sink. These usually have a rim that rests on the worktop (if you use a bowl, it should also have such a rim). Now you can also paint the kitchen. In this example this was only done with the kitchen back wall. Here too you can work completely individually.

As a DIY project for the garden


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Finally, attach the hooks on which you can hang the various kitchen utensils. It is also sufficient if you simply drill or hammer screws or nails into the back wall if you don't have any hooks at hand. You can also equip the structure with other things as you wish. In the example, for example, an additional compartment for more storage space and a tap were added. Come up with different things when you build the mud kitchen. Below we have some examples of other models that you can take inspiration from.

Work with other materials

Of course, the instructions above for building a mud kitchen are only a basis and an example that you can modify as you wish. Because as simple as the variant looks, there are even simpler options. It all depends on what kind of space you have available, how old your child is and what materials you can find or are willing to buy. We would like to show you some other variants below:

Use a simple board

If you have a free wall, you can use it to attach the kitchen to it. Higher privacy fences are suitable, but also the outer wall of a shed or other garden building. In this case, you can also use a simple wooden board when building the mud kitchen. This is then attached using wall shelf brackets. You can also install a sink or bowl in this plate. If you get a new panel from the hardware store, find out whether cutting is offered locally. Then you save yourself this work at home if the wooden panel is larger than expected.

Use old furniture or concrete blocks

If your child is a little older and more careful, you can simply place the wooden plate on concrete blocks, which you then stack on top of each other to create table legs. Afterwards, you shouldn't shake the worktop much. Of course, you can also fix the stones with a little cement and make them safer. For smaller children, the standard height of a coffee table can prove practical. So if you have an old coffee table lying around that you no longer use, take a look to see if the height suits your child's height. If so, you can also use this finished table as a base if you want to build a mud kitchen. Then you don't need to add extra legs. The only thing we would recommend is a back wall on which the kitchen utensils can be hung.

Buy a finished version

And if you don't have the confidence to implement such a project yourself or if you simply don't have the necessary materials and tools, you can of course also choose the simplest option. You can also buy a variant. For example, how about you do this?Ikea Furnitureuse? They are known for being able to be spiced up and transformed as desired. So why not build a mud kitchen by simply making a few changes. Or you buy thesenormal children's kitchenfrom Ikea and convert it into a garden kitchen where your children can play and experiment with mud as they wish.

Consider other ideas

When building the mud kitchen, you can choose any size and shape. For example, the corner kitchen above is very practical if you want to create a larger work surface and save space. Feel free to use various accessories that are also used in a real kitchen. The kitchen rack with hooks is very practical for hanging pots, pans and cooking utensils.

Instead of a sink, you can also use washing bowls or plastic buckets that are simply hung in the hole provided in the worktop. After playing, you can easily remove the bucket again to not only clean it more easily, but also store it away.

You can also easily create compartments and shelves by stacking several pallets on top of each other. This creates wide gaps in which tablets and baking trays can be easily stored. So if you want to build a mud kitchen with pallets, you can consider this option. This also saves you the hassle of drilling and screwing to add table legs and the many pallets are heavy enough to create a stable work surface. A blackboard can also be a nice accessory for playing. It's best to discuss with your children what they would most like to have in their kitchen.


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