Some potted plants benefit from a trellis. The only problem is that you usually don't have a lot of space inside for entire scaffolding, even if they are quite small. A wonderful alternative are the so-called moss sticks. How about making a moss stick like this yourself?
Moss sticks are particularly popular as a climbing aid for the highly sought-after Monstera and are very space-saving because they stand vertically upwards and do not extend as wide as other scaffolds. What's more, they are really easy to build with only a few materials.
Build a space-saving trellis for houseplants
If you are one of the Monstera owners who have previously cared for your plant without a support, you will probably be wondering whether such a climbing aid is even necessary for the Monstera.
So, does the Monstera need a climbing aid? Well, as long as it still grows compactly, it may be unnecessary. But once it gets longer and higher, such help becomes quite practical. And the aerial roots can adhere particularly well to a moss stick. What does it take if you want to make a moss stick yourself?
You can have another idea for a homemade climbing aiddiscover here.
Make your own moss stick – it’s that easy!
You need the following materials:
- PVC pipe or another type of stick as a base (wooden stick, bamboo stick, metal stick, etc.)
- Spaghnum moss or reindeer lichen (there are also
- Wire, floral wire, wire mesh, plastic mesh or fishing line (depending on whether you want all-natural climbing aids)
- Bowl or baking sheet with water
- optional rubber gloves (in case the moss stings)
- Scissors
- Cable ties for the version with wire mesh
Get all your materials ready before making the moss stick yourself. Then you can start with the instructions:
- Dip the moss into the prepared bowl/baking tray to allow it to soften.
Variant 1with wire mesh:
- If you are using a wire mesh, first measure the length and width needed for your rod. You don't necessarily need to cover the bottom part of the stick as you will be sticking it into the ground.
- Cut the grid to size and spread it out in front of you.
- Spread the moss on the grid.
- Place the selected stick in the center and wrap the mesh around it. Fix everything with cable ties.
Variant 2with regular wire or fishing line:
- Work your way down from one end of the stick.
- Tie the string or wire at the top.
- Now place moss around part of the stick and wrap wire or string around it.
- Then move on to the next part, making sure that each individual piece overlaps so that the stick is not visible.
- Once you get to the bottom, you're done. Here too, you can leave the lower area of the moss stick free.
Variant 3with plastic net:
- Form a roll of any thickness out of the net.
- Tie the ends together with wire, cable ties, or string.
- Stuff moss into the resulting tube.
How to attach the Monstera to the moss stick
If you were going to repot the plants anyway, now is the time. In this way, the moss stick can be used more comfortably. Place it in the empty pot and fill it halfway with potting soil. Now add the plant and more potting soil. Press everything firmly.
If you are not planning on repotting, simply loosen the soil behind the monstera plant a little so that you can insert the moss stick there. It is very important that you proceed carefully because the risk of injuring roots is very high. So dig gradually and don't push the stick into the ground too suddenly.
And how do you let the plant grow now?
Carefully tie the long shoots (aerial roots) to the moss stick. For this purpose, use soft twine and do not pull it too tight when securing the monstera so as not to injure it. Depending on how long the shoots are, tie them several times. Over time, as they get longer, keep tying them to help her climb. You can remove diseased or yellow leaves immediately using these steps and you should continue to do so in the future.
It is also important that you prune the plant regularly so that it does not grow too wide, but rather upwards to remain more compact. This is how you train your Monstera, so to speak.
Make your own moss stick – cool tip with colors
If you would like a few color accents, you can finally attach a few colored pieces of moss to the stick. These are available to buy ready-made, but you can also color them yourself using textile or food coloring.
An alternative with pool noodle
You can make a fun alternative to the moss stick yourself, for which you don't need any moss, just a stick and a pool noodle. You put this over any stick after you have put it in the flower pot. When you then tie the plant shoots to the pool noodle, use a knife to make slits in the foam where there is an aerial root. This allows the aerial roots to make their way into the support.
Another cool craft idea with pool noodlescan be found here.