Fresh, pleasant scents create a sensual atmosphere in the home and ensure relaxation and a feeling of well-being. However, most room fresheners are expensive and contain a lot of chemicals. Instead of buying a room spray, you can make your own room scent using essential oils, dried flowers and home remedies. You can find good ideas for combinations and practical tips and instructions below.
A good room fragrance should not only make the room smell pleasant, but also neutralize bad smells, for example from cooking or smoking. However, many room fresheners cannot do this and instead mix with the smell, only making it stronger. With a homemade room fragrance made from natural ingredients, you can achieve both a beautiful aroma and neutralize bad smells.
It's easy to make your own room scent with sticks for a room in the apartment. The only materials you need are a small glass bottle with a narrow neck and some bamboo sticks. Our first recipe is made with high-proof alcohol, such as vodka. Next are distilled water andessential oils of your choicenecessary.
The possibilities for scent are numerous. However, you should pay attention to good quality when buying essential oils. It is best to seek advice from your pharmacist. You can either use a single oil or make a mixture. First, the alcohol is poured into the bottle. For 100 ml of home fragrance use 10 ml of vodka. Then drip the essential oils into it and shake the bottle well. 10-12 drops of oil should be enough. Finally, fill the glass bottle with water and mix the whole thing lightly. Now dip a few wooden sticks in the bottle, turn it over once and enjoy the beautiful scent in the room.
You can also make a good scent for your home yourself using glycerin (available at the pharmacy). Recipes are available with and without alcohol. If the fragrance mixture is made without alcohol, 100 ml of glycerin and 10-20 drops of essential oils are necessary. For room fragrance with glycerin and alcohol, you should mix 60 ml of 98 percent spirit with 4 ml of glycerin and add 100-150 drops of oils. This also creates greater fragrance intensity.
If you are looking for a creative gift idea for friends or relatives, you can make your own room scent and give it as a gift. Find a nice glass bottle, prepare it and decorate the glass bottle with a bow and some greenery.
If you want to make your own fragrance without alcohol, you can mix vegetable oil and essential oil in a glass bottle. Beautifully scented oils for this include mint, orange or jasmine. Depending on the size of the room, place 5-10 bamboo or rattan sticks in the bottle and the scent can spread well throughout the room. To make a homemade room spray, get a spray bottle, fill it with the mixture with or without alcohol and spray the lovely scent around the room if necessary.
If you want to get rid of unpleasant smells from your home in a natural way, the first thing you should do is clean and ventilate the home regularly. Opening the window for 10 minutes can usually get rid of the smell. You can neutralize a stubborn smell with home remedies such as coffee and vinegar, and you can create a nice scent in winter with a few orange peels on the radiator. Half oranges studded with cloves can also create a beautiful Christmas scent.
If you want to create a completely natural scent, you can achieve this with simple ingredients. Choose fruits, herbs and spices that have a specific and lasting scent and use them to create scented jars. Possible ingredients include rosemary, cinnamon, mint, cloves and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes.
Place the desired ingredients in a mason jar and fill with water. You can store the room scents in the refrigerator. If you need to refresh the room, put the finished mixture in a saucepan and let it simmer. This way the room will be filled with a pleasant scent.
Did you know that vodka can be used to neutralize odors? This is exactly why high-proof alcohol is perfect. To make a lemon room scent, mix vodka with orange essential oil, orange and lemon peels and leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 10-15 days. Then put it in a spray bottle and the homemade lemon scented room freshener is ready.
Baking soda and baking powder are considered all-rounders in the household and can also be used to make homemade air fresheners. If you make your own scent with baking soda, you will also need a mason jar with a screw cap or a jam jar and dried flowers with aroma. For a more intense scent, you can also use a few drops of essential oil.
Half fill a jam jar with baking soda or baking powder and add a few dried rose petals. Mix the contents a little and close the jar with a perforated lid or breathable cloth.
Baking powder and baking soda neutralize unpleasant odors and the dried flowers exude a pleasant scent. If the effect of the homemade room scent wears off a little, simply shake the jar briefly to intensify it again.
From an ecological point of view, this idea is not entirely good. Fabric softeners contain a lot of chemicals such as silicones, silicates and other detergent substances. But many people love the scent of their fabric softener and would like to have it in their home as a room scent. If you would like to try this yourself, here is the recipe. You will need 2 tablespoons of fabric softener, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 cups of hot water and an old spray bottle. The fabric softener is poured into the spray bottle, next comes the baking soda, then the hot water. Make the bottle and shake until the baking soda is dissolved. This mixture is also perfect for refreshing your furniture, pillows, blankets and sheets.
The homemade scent with baking soda is just as suitable as a gift, as is the room scent with sticks. Use nice jam jars and jute bags instead of lids. They let the pleasant scent through well and add a beautiful, decorative effect to the gift.
Homemade scent hangers and scent sachets also have an intense scent and can be used as a room scent. If you would like to make your own scented sachets as a room scent, you should fill bags made of cotton or linen with dried flowers or herbs and tie them with a beautiful decorative ribbon or cord.
Here you will find instructions on how to make scented scented sachets. You can first sew the fabric bags and decorate them as you wish. Then fill it with dried flowers, incense cones and, if desired, a few drops of essential oils and the fragrant bags are ready.
You can make more than just muffins in a muffin tin! These fragrant baking soda discs are super easy to make yourself and deserve a special place in the house. You need:
2 Tassen Natron / Backsoda
half a cup of water
baking paper
Essential oils of your choice
dried flowers
Mix the baking soda with the water until a thick paste forms. Cut squares out of the baking paper measuring 15 x 15 cm. Now place each of these in a muffin tin and fold the baking paper in between. Place a spoonful of the water and baking soda mixture into each muffin tin, filling them to about 1/4 full.
Place the muffin tin in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes or until the slices become dry and firm. Allow the slices to cool and drizzle each with four drops of the essential oil. Then sprinkle with the dried petals.
With essential oils you can not only make a good room scent yourself, but also make scent hangers and scent trees for the car. Cut out the popular shape from felt and drip a few drops of your favorite oil directly onto it. Finally, make a hanger and leave the scented tree hanging in the car.
Material list:
half a muscat, grated
1/4 cup ground cinnamon or 5 whole cinnamon sticks
1/4 cup apple pie or pumpkin pie spice
1/8 cloves
4 orange peels – whole or grated
Dehydrate the grated orange peels or dry them in the oven. Line a baking tray with baking paper and bake at 230 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. But be careful not to burn the shells. If you are using ready-made dried orange slices, you can skip this step.
Mix the spices with the dried orange peels.
Add 3 cups of water to a small pan and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and add the spice-orange mixture. Simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Pour the mixture into a glass and place it somewhere in the room. This air freshener can be used over and over again. Just add some water as it evaporates.
Coffee can absorb unpleasant odors and is also perfect not only as an air freshener, but also as an odor absorber for shoes and shoe cabinets. Just fill old socks with coffee powder! You can also use women's stockings or the foot part of an old pair of nylon tights.
Lavender has been known for centuries for its calming and sleep-inducing effects. The medicinal plant was already a popular bath additive in Roman times. Its name “lavender” comes from the Roman word for “wash” – “lavare”. The latest studies have shown that lavender oil only works when it is inhaled. The researchers suspect that nerve signals are transmitted to the brain through absorption through the nose. This way its healing effect can develop better. A good reason why lavender essential oil is increasingly being used in aromatherapy. It can provide relief from pulsating, migraine-like headaches, relieve everyday stress and help with sleep disorders. It also offers many possible uses as a room scent, for example as a sleep-inducing pillow spray or as a laundry scent for textiles. Since lavender can trigger an allergic reaction in some sensitive people, you should test its tolerance first to be on the safe side. Put a drop of lavender oil on a cotton swab and smell gently. Only then can you scent your pillow or even the entire bedroom or bathroom with the essential oil.
We give you a recipe for alcohol-free lavender spray that you can make yourself. The so-called pillow spray is sprayed directly on your pillow so that you can breathe in the scent as you fall asleep. The first step to creating a pillow spray is preparing lavender oil. Of course you can also use finished product. However, many lavender oil counterfeits are sold in stores. High-quality fragrance oil can be recognized by the AOC seal. Alternatively, you can plant lavender in your own garden and then cut it off at the bottom of the stem at the end of summer. Tie the lavender sprigs together and hang them upside down in a dark and cool place (for example, basement). Allow the lavender branches to dry for 10 days, then you can use them for preparation. You can then make lavender oil yourself in winter from the dried lavender twigs and lavender flowers. You need the following ingredients:
- Dried lavender flowers
- Disposable jar with lid
- Vegetable oil (olive oil is perfect)
- Pipette bottles, 30 ml each
Preparation: First remove the dried flowers from the branch and then place a handful in the disposable glass. Pour the olive oil over the lavender flowers, close the disposable jar and place it in a dark but warm place (for example in the kitchen cupboard). Let the lavender oil sit for a month, but shake the disposable jar daily so that the olive oil binds to the lavender flowers more quickly. Then you can filter the lavender oil, best done with a cloth, and distribute it into opaque pipette bottles.
To prepare it you will need the following materials:
- 40 ml distilled water
- 5 drops of jojoba oil or witch hazel water
- 10 – 15 drops of lavender oil
- 50ml spray bottle
- a funnel
First fill the bottle halfway with the distilled water, then add the 5 drops of jojoba oil. The aroma oil serves as a base and can replace alcohol in almost any home fragrance recipe. Close the bottle and shake vigorously so that the ingredients mix. Then add the 15 drops of lavender oil and fill the bottle with the rest of the distilled water.
Optionally, you can replace the jojoba oil with witch hazel water. In this case, first add the 15 drops of lavender oil to the bottle and fill it halfway with witch hazel water. Then fill the bottle with distilled water. Close it and shake vigorously so that the ingredients mix.
Transform your bathroom into an oasis of peace and serenity! We will explain to you how you can make your own bathroom scent. A room air freshener in the bathroom can be completed in just a few steps and without much effort. You need the following ingredients:
- Almond oil, sweet, cold pressed
- wooden sticks
- Glass bottle with a narrow neck
Here's how to do it: First clean the glass bottle, rinse it and let it dry completely. Then mix the sweet almond oil with the fragrance oils in a ratio of 7:3. For example, mix 28 drops of almond oil with 12 drops of fragrance oils of your choice. We offer you some suggestions for combinations of essential oils:
1. Combine 5 drops of eucalyptus with 10 drops of jasmine and 5 drops of lavender oil for a relaxing scent.
2. 10 drops of orange oil and 5 drops of peppermint oil have a refreshing and refreshing effect. Add 35 drops of almond oil.
3. The fragrance mixture of 12 drops of geranium oil, 8 drops of palm rose oil and 4 drops of ylang ylang creates a floral aroma. Add 56 drops of almond oil.
4. You can make an oriental fragrance mixture yourself from 14 drops of orange, 6 drops of lavender, 4 drops of jasmine, 3 drops of ylang ylang and 2 drops of rose oil. Add 63 drops of almond oil.
Once you have mixed the fragrance oils with the almond oil, shake the bottle and insert 8 to 10 wooden sticks into it. Place the bottle in a dry place in the bathroom. You can effectively display the room air freshener together with healing stones such as pink quartz and tillandsia (the so-called air plant, which has no roots). Optionally, you can drizzle the scented oils onto the wooden sticks and then hang them up in the bathroom. Of course, you can also make the recipe for bath fragrance with alcohol. In this case, simply add 10 ml of alcohol, for example vodka, to the bottle. This will make your room fragrance last longer. If the aroma of the air freshener becomes too intense, you can dilute the fragrance oils with distilled water in a ratio of 1:1. This means that for every 30 drops of fragrance oils you need to add 30 drops of water.