Make sand pictures yourself: Simple instructions and craft ideas for children and adults

Autumn time is craft time. In today's article we will explain to you how you can make beautiful sand pictures yourself. All you need is Mod Podge, decorative sand from the craft store and a lot of creativity.

Make your own sand pictures: paint a portrait with Mod Podge

If you want to paint sand pictures freehand, then the next craft idea is just for you. You will need Mod Podge, white paper and colored sand. Using Mod Podge, draw a face on the paper and gradually shake sand onto each detail (eyes, mouth, hair, etc). After coloring all the details, let the glue dry. Then you can hang the picture.

For the next oneCraft projectyou need a brush, a template, self-adhesive paper and colored sand. Proceed as follows:

  1. Print out a template on an A4 sheet of self-adhesive paper.
  2. Carefully remove the cover film from the self-adhesive paper. Use a craft knife to cut out several motifs from the foil. Now stick the foil back onto the paper.
  3. The child gradually removes pieces from the cover sheet (e.g. stars, moon, etc.) and sprinkles colored sand in their place. Then press the sand down with your hand and shake off excess sand using the trash can. Continue like this until the entire drawing is covered with colored sand.
  4. Start with the dark colors and continue until you have applied the lightest shade.

Make your own sand pictures: paint simple motifs

If you draw motifs freehand, then you should choose the simplest possible motifs and color them individually. This ensures that the individual colors do not mix with each other.

By the way, you can also make the colored decorative sand yourself. Use fine-grain sand. Fill water into an old pot and bring it to the boil. Then add the colored sand and let it cook over medium heat for an hour. Then you can color it with either food coloring or felt-tip pens. If you are using felt-tip pens, first spread the sand evenly on a baking sheet and let it dry overnight. Then pour it into several baby jars and stir each jar with a felt-tip pen until the sand becomes colored.

Make complicated sand pictures yourself: A template is necessary

You can also make complicated sand pictures yourself. For this purpose you need a template. To make it quicker, you can transfer the template with a pencil or certainSimply sketch out the motifs. Then gradually apply Mod Podge or craft glue to the details using a brush. You can carefully remove the excess sand with a clean and damp round brush.

Our tip: To be on the safe side, line the table with cling film. When choosing motifs, make sure that they are not too complicated. Small details are difficult to color with colored sand. Simple mandalas work well.

Make your own abstract sand pictures

Abstract sand pictures are the quickest way to make yourself. Even completeBeginners and small childrenwill cope with the task without any problems. You need craft glue, white cardboard and colored sand. Then design the picture as you wish, experiment with colors and nuances.

Our tip: You can get particularly intense colors if you color the sand with food coloring. You need fine sand because it can be dyed particularly quickly and easily. Put the sand in a bowl and fill it with some water. The sand should be completely covered with water. Then add the food coloring. Stir the whole thing until the sand completely absorbs the color. Depending on how many drops of food coloring you add, you can get dark or light shades. The wet sand is darker than the dry, so don't worry if the color is too intense. Line a baking tray with newspaper and spread the sand on it. Allow it to dry in a well-ventilated and warm room.

Design sand pictures with writing

You can also add a beautiful message to sand pictures. For this purpose you will need letters made of plastic (craft supplies). Place the letters on the paper, apply plenty of craft glue to the sheet with a flat brush and sprinkle colored sand over them. You can lightly press the sand with your hand and then carefully remove the letters.

This craft idea is perfect for children in elementary school and kindergarten age. This way you can practice writing and reading in a playful way and also create beautiful art for the wall in the children's room.

Our tip: You can color the sand with color powder. This method has the advantage that you can combine different colors to get a new shade. The sand can also be mixed dry with colored powder. So you don't have to wait until it dries before painting, you can use it straight away.

Making autumn pictures with colored sand: instructions

You can also create autumn pictures as seasonal decorations for the house and apartment with colored sand. The pumpkin is a suitable motif for autumn. If you use small amounts of sand, then it's not worth going to the trouble of coloring it. You can simply use decorative sand from the craft shop.

Abstract art with sand

Would you like to create a creative decoration for the wall, but are not talented in painting? Abstract sand paintings aredieSolution. You need a canvas or a wooden board, glue and a brush. Apply a thick layer of glue and sprinkle colored sand over it with a spoon. This can even create three-dimensional shapes. Experiment with colors, nuances and shapes.

Anyone can make sand pictures themselves. You don't need to be talented at painting to paint a beautiful picture with the children. All you need is Mod Podge or other paper glue, fine-grain sand, and a paintbrush and you're ready to go. You can buy decorative sand in the craft shop or collect sand yourself. When you collect the sand, sift it carefully to remove any coarse particles, stones, and grass. Then boil it for an hour to kill bacteria and fungi. Spread it out and let it dry. Then you can divide the sand into several baby food jars and color them. For coloring you can use food coloring, color powder and even felt-tip pens. All three methods offer creative freedom: you can mix colors as you like and create new nuances. You can also adjust the intensity of the colors as you wish. When the sand is colored and dry, you can start painting. You can either draw simple designs freehand or use a template. Our tip: Proceed like painting by numbers and divide the picture into several details. Color the individual details and let them dry.