Make your own makeup storage – 5 simple ideas and instructions

Surely every lady knows the problem: all the make-up products and utensils are in a drawer or a box and it becomes such a mess that you can't find anything quickly. Most of the time you always put off putting things in order or you simply don't have the right ideas. There are actually a lot of simple DIY projects that you can use to organize all your makeup perfectly so that you always have what you're looking for at hand. Some such ideas for theToday we have put together make-up storage that you can easily copy as you wish. From now on you can have more fun with make-up and beauty!

Make your own makeup storage with copper cups

The first idea isa simple variant, for which you only need as many copper cups as you like, a wooden board on which all the cups fit, and leather straps. Take the board and first measure where the cups should be attached. You can choose regular or irregular spacing and attach the cups vertically or horizontally as you like. Just experiment by placing the cups on the board.

Once you have found the perfect design, mark the outer, upper edges of the cups on the board with a pencil. Then drill small holes there. This is very simple and can be done even by beginners. Now wrap the leather strap through the first hole and tie a knot on the back of the board. Now wrap the ribbon around the edge of the cup as often as you like and estimate how much longer you will need to put the other end through the second hole and knot it. Then cut off the excess part and finally tie the cup in place. If you want, you can also fix the knots and ribbons on the back with a stapler or use the stapler instead of the knots. You can now hang the wooden board on the wall.

With leather

This idea is even quicker and easier. This is great for youBasic equipment of utensilsor store elongated products. All you need is a piece of leather. This can be of any thickness. There is also a strap, which can also be made of leather, and a carpet knife. Now cut the leather a little at regular intervals. Create two rows in this way, with the cracks always being directly above each other. You can now put the make-up and make-up utensils into these cracks. This make-up storage is particularly compact because the leather can be rolled up and tied at the end. This way you can save space in the drawer or cupboard.

Store utensils and make-up in a bamboo mat

This simple and original idea works on a similar principle. Such a bamboo mat, which is used to roll sushi or as a base on the table, replaces the leather in this case. There is also no need for extra cutting here. Instead, a rubber band is pushed through the gaps between the bamboo sticks. To begin with, a loop is formed, which is simply sewn into place with a needle and thread.

Now wrap the rubber band through the cracks as shown. You can create gaps of any size to store utensils or make-up of different thicknesses. Finally, cut off the remaining ribbon and sew the end and beginning in the form of a loop. You can also roll up this make-up storage at any time and save space with it.

Make-up organizer made of lanterns

After the purchased candles have burned out, the lanterns are left. But instead of throwing them away, you can use them perfectly to create make-up storage for the bathroom or bedroom. And that is anything but difficult. The number depends on how many individual compartments you need. In this case six lanterns were used. Residual wax in the containers can be removed with acetone. Then put the first row together. Use hot glue to attach the lanterns to each other. Make sure that they do not differ from each other at the front and back.

Then design the second row in the same way, for which you use one less lantern. Once the glue has set, you can place the second row on top of the first row and attach it in the same way. Continue like this until you reach the last lantern for the top. Now you can sort the make-up by function or color.

Wooden makeup storage

ThisDo-it-yourself cosmetic storageyou can do it in two different ways. Either you make it yourself by getting a wooden cube and making several holes in it using a drill, or you can simply buy a ready-made wooden pen holder. The advantage of the first variant is that you can design holes with different diameters to store thicker utensils or make-up products.

You can also paint the wood any way you like or add decorations. Use studs, metal, ribbon, glitter, or whatever else you can think of to create a unique design. The color copper looks particularly chic and elegant. You can also use these to create modern geometric patterns and combine them with the natural wood color.

Make-up storage for the drawer

Simple gift boxes or even an ordinary cutlery box are also wonderful for storing makeup. The make-up storage box doesn't require any time to craft as it's available to buy ready-made. The boxes are simply arranged in the drawer and can then be filled straight away. It is advisable to measure the drawer beforehand and find boxes of the right size so that they lie stably in the compartment and do not always slip when opening and closing. Alternatively, a rubber or silicone pad can be laid out to prevent slipping.

DIY idea with magnets

It's no secret that pinboards are a practical thing. And thehomemade pin boardis even particularly unique. But would you have thought of using a magnetic board to store makeup? Use a ready-made magnetic board or make one yourself by covering a magnetic metal plate with fabric and then adding a beautiful frame. Magnets are of course necessary so that the make-up can be attached to the board. These are simply stuck to the back of the product and they are ready to go on the board.

It is best to use an adhesive that can be easily removed so that you can easily transfer the magnet to the new product when the old one is used up. It's also a great idea to add magnets to cups for brushes and other utensils. You can then attach these to the board and use them to store make-up and have them ready to hand.