Making jewelry for children - 11 colorful ideas with instructions for pretty necklaces and bracelets

Wearing unique jewelry is particularly popular with little ladies. Making your own jewelry is also an exciting and joyful experience for young people. If you want to make jewelry for children, you don't need to spend on expensive craft supplies or spend a lot of time. Original pieces of jewelry can be created with a little creativity and imaginationfrom the simplest materialsarise. See for yourself!

Bracelet made from paper clips and washi tape

This pretty bracelet is made from a few materials in a very short time. But the piece of jewelry for children is a real eye-catcher.

Materials required:

Paper clips
Washi tape (various colors and patterns)

First, the paper clips are chopped together to form a chain. Then wrap each paper clip with some washi tape and the great children's jewelry is ready.

Make a necklace out of paper clips and buttons

You can make a charming, colorful necklace for your darling using colorful buttons in different shapes and sizes and paper clips.

Thread a paper clip through the hole of a button and then attach another button to it. Repeat the process, alternating paper clips and buttons, until you reach the desired length of chain.

Make unique jewelry for children - bracelet made from straws and washi tape

You can also create an attractive and slightly more opulent bracelet for a little fashion-conscious lady using patterned straws and washi tape. Making original jewelry for children is really easy and readychildren and adultsspecial joy. So there is nothing wrong with involving your child in the production.

Materials required:

Washi tape (various colors and patterns)

First, stick the straws with washi tape in different colors. Next, cut the colorful straws into pieces of different sizes. Cut 6 pieces from the knitting yarn, each about 30 cm long. Then thread the small tubes onto the yarn. Then tie the individual chains together at both ends.

Necklace with pendants made of paper clips and beads

Our next suggestion for attractive and colorful children's jewelry is this charming necklace with pendants made of paper clips and beads.

Materials required:

Paper clips
Rocaille beads
Star beads
Butterfly beads

Take a paper clip in your hand and thread some seed beads onto it. Decorate another clip with star beads and another with butterfly beads. Decorate a total of 8 paper clips. Cut a long enough piece of knitting yarn and thread the bead clips into it. Finally, tie the two ends of the knitting yarn together.

Rigatoni pasta necklace

What about organizing an exciting craft afternoon with your child and creating a chic necklace that will be a true statement piece of jewelry? Even if you don't have pearls at hand, you will certainly find noodles in the kitchen cupboard that are ideal for making handmade jewelry. The only requirement here is that the noodles have a large hole for threading.

Materials required:

Rigatoni pasta
Acrylic paints or nail polish
Paint brush
Shish kebab skewers

Brush the rigatoni with acrylic paint of your choice. Use the wooden skewers as holders for the pasta. Then place the skewer with the colored noodles on a glass to dry. Cut a piece of knitting yarn and thread the noodles. Tie both ends of the yarn and, if necessary, cut off the excess yarn.

DIY idea for colorful jewelry for children - colorful necklace made of paper clips

Children find anything that is colorful particularly attractive. Make a colorful necklace together using only paper clips. Simply follow our instructions and create a beautiful necklace together that will add that certain something to a pretty plain dress.

Get 100 paper clips ready and chop them together. Measure the length of the clip chain. To create the pendant, hang 3 more paper clips pointing downwards from each clip except the last two on each side. Then hang 3 more rows of clip pendants.

Necklace with a jewelry pendant made of washer

You can also make creative jewelry for children using various small mechanical parts, such as washers. With a little paint they can be transformed into great jewelry pendants.

Materials required:

Nail polish (various colors)
Paper or sticky notes

Place the washer on a piece of paper or post-it and paint it with nail polish in different colors. Then let them dry. Cut a piece of knitting yarn, fold it in half and thread it through the hole in the washer. Tie the yarn to the disk and knot both ends of the yarn. If necessary, cut off the excess yarn.

Creative bracelet with homemade paper beads

You are also welcome to make an unusual bracelet with sweet paper beads that you twist by hand. The beautiful handmade bracelet can also decorate a toddler's hand on a special occasion.

Materials required:

Paper (various colors and patterns)
Paint brush
Mod Podge Kleber
Shish kebab skewer

First, draw a g on a piece of paperLight-legged triangle with base 2 cm and legs 15 cm each. Also draw other triangles of other sizes. Then cut them out. Wrap each triangle around the skewer by coating the inside of the paper piece with glue. Apply some glue to the finished rolled bead as well. Let them dry on a glass for about 5 minutes. Cut a piece of knitting yarn and thread the beads onto it using the skewer. Tie both ends and cut off any excess yarn.

Children's jewelry made easy - necklace made of straws

Next, we would like to show you another great piece of jewelry for children that you can easily make at home. For the cute straw necklace you need the following materials:

Straws (various colors and patterns)

Cut the straws into pieces of different sizes and thread them onto a piece of knitting yarn. Tie both ends of the yarn and üCut off excess yarn.

Make colorful jewelry for children – make your own tassel necklace

You can also make a beautiful piece of jewelry for a girl from colored knitting yarn. This colorful tassel necklace will add color to the cold winter days and put you in a good mood. For this you need knitting yarn in any color, metal beads and scissors.

Make 5 tassels from colored wool thread as shown in the picture. Thread the finished tassels onto the knitting yarn. Then thread a metal bead on each side of the chain and knot the ends of the yarn.

Making jewelry for children - Attractive necklace with pendant made of washer and wool yarn

Materials required:

Knitting yarn (various colors)

Cut a piece about 20 cm long from each color of knitting yarn. Fold the pieces of wool in two and thread them through the hole in the washer. Tie the pieces of yarn to the disk to create the colorful pendant. Then cut another piece of wool yarn about 60 cm long, put it in two again and thread it through the disc. Tie both ends of the yarn.