DIY privacy screen for the garden and terrace

If you have a garden, you have the ideal place in the warm season to relax and relax in the fresh air. At least if no curious neighbors live next to it. To protect privacy, you absolutely need privacy protection for the garden. The variants for this are almost infinite - privacy fences, paravents or high hedges are considered the most popular of them. These options may be practical, but also have disadvantages. On the one hand, they cost a lot of money and on the other hand, the purchase often requires a little more time. If you are looking for a suitable privacy screen for the garden or terrace, you can see the following ideas from recycling materials. They are really cheap compared to classic privacy elements and add a personal note to the garden.

What can you use as a privacy screen?

The ideas for DIY privacy screen made of recycling materials are very diverse. In principle, you can use everything you can assemble so that the view is blocked. The very classic ideas include pallets, wooden strips, old boxes, etc. If you (or someone you know) have just completed a renovation, then definitely take a look at all the things that are planned for the garbage. Old things like doors and shutters are createdGreat self -made privacy fences.

Make privacy screen for the garden yourself: the best upcycling ideas

So that you can better visualize our ideas, take a look at the following examples of upcycling privacy screen for the garden. Perhaps you will find an idea for materials that are already available to you.

DIY favorable privacy screen for the garden from old doors

Big things such as interior doors are perfect for building good privacy protection. They can be arranged so that they completely block the gaze. This also enables interesting accents outdoors.

Build a paravent yourself

To aPrivacy screen made of old doorsBuilding yourself, you may have to give it a new coat of paint first. You can use colors that match the rest of the garden decoration and fit harmoniously into your garden. If the interior doors have glass elements, you can make them opaque with window film or glass color.

Then make a kind of paravent out of the doors by assembling the individual door wings using door fishing. You can then use this paravent to shield the seat on the terrace. Now nothing stands in the way of your relaxing afternoon in the open air!

Whole privacy fence made of doors

If you have several doors available or you can buy them cheaply, you can build an entire privacy fence from it. Interior doors are high enough to block the view completely and will successfully protect your privacy. They can also be deleted and decorated as desired and add a playful accent to the garden.

Privacy screen for terrace and garden from shutters

Similar to the doors, you can upcycles your old shutters. They are narrower than doors and do not look so powerful outside. Use as many as necessary, andBuild your own paraventwithout spending a lot of money for it.

There are window shops and folding shops in so many sizes and versions that you can build a really original and unique privacy screen yourself. If desired, you can also give the shutters a new coat of paint, but they also look beautiful in their worn optics. Whether you use the elements or processes a bit depends mainly on the garden style.

You can then decorate the self -made privacy screen for the garden. How do you find these pretty upcycling vases made of old glass bottles?

Build a cheap privacy screen out of pallets

The classic materials for DIY projects in the garden are undoubtedly still the worn pallets. They can be separated into several parts and to different furniture and elementsAssemble for the house and garden. You can also build a privacy screen for the garden or terrace yourself.

Pallet wood to give away can be found anywhere on the Internet and a short drive to the industrial area of ​​your city can be successful. Where there are loading lamps, there are usually stacks of disposable pallets that are intended for the container. Just ask if you can take some with you. Most workers will be happy because they save you work.

Privacy screen made of pallet wood

Fences and garden walls are not always completely opaque. They are often provided with decorative elements such as Gitzer, which look beautiful but do not protect against strangers. Even if there is such a area in your garden, you can make it visible using recycling materials.

Pallet wood is usually specially treated for use outdoors, but you can still give the wooden strips a protective layer for safety's sake. For example, you can use external color and thus set a colored accent. You don't necessarily have to screw the wooden strips - you can simply tie them together with rope. Finally add a chain of lights to create a romantic atmosphere in the evening.

Upcycling idea - small privacy screen made of pallets with a plant box

If you have a narrow privacy screen for oneArea in the gardenOr need for the balcony, you don't necessarily have to take the pallet wood. Simply put two disposable pallets on top of each other and screw them together. You already have a cool DIY privacy screen made of recycling material.

DIY privacy screen made of glass dishes and old wooden windows

Old glass such as plates, shells and glasses can be found for manyCreative handicrafts and construction projects in the gardenuse. For example, the round glass plates are perfect for homemade privacy protection. They give the garden a touch of vintage and also create beautiful light reflections. Colored glass is best for this, but transparent plates with decorative elements are also okay. The main thing is that you can't see through.

To make such an original privacy screen, you still need an old window with a wooden frame. First clean the glass plate thoroughly with a cleaning agent and then make it completely clean with a dry cloth. Use silicone adhesive for the outdoor area to glue the glass plates, cups and shells to the glass. Assign them in such a way that as the smallest possible gaps are created. Then fill the gaps with broken glass or glass beads.

Such a privacy panel looks even more original when using colored glass. The elements made of colorful glass will form beautiful light reflections when the sun is radiation and give the garden a fairytale look.

In order to ensure better privacy screen, several individual panels with glass decorations can be hanged over the other.