Driftwood is the name given to wood that has been floated on water for a long period of time and has thereby become smooth and bleached by the sun's rays. This gives it its unique appearance and is now a very popular material for a wide variety of materialsDecorations. You can buy such decorations ready-made or simply make them yourself. For the latter, if you live near the sea or are going on vacation soon, you can collect or buy driftwood. Whichever option you choose, the following examples are forDriftwood decorationwill prove to you that it is worth it and serve as inspiration for you.
1. Driftwood decoration in the form of a mirror frame
A mirror frame made of small piecesDriftwoodlooks very attractive and is also suitable for a vintage interior. To do this, you need a lot of sticks in different sizes, which you line up on the mirror and, ideally, stick together with a hot glue gun. This creates a great frame that is reminiscent of the sun. There are different options for this idea. A square or rectangular mirror can also be wonderfully highlighted in this way.
2. Driftwood decoration – make figures
You can also make it from small pieces of woodmake interesting figures. All you need is a little imagination. For example, the crab chosen in the example is great for maintaining the sea and beach theme. But you can also come up with other figures to adapt them to the style of your interior.
3. Driftwood decoration for the garden
You can also use one for the gardenDriftwood decorationmake or buy. How about a birdhouse like this, for example? On the one hand, you get an eye-catcher and on the other hand, you look after the birds in both summer and winter. If you don't have the confidence to build the whole house yourself, you can simply cover a finished one with driftwood. A great effect is guaranteed either way.
4. Candlesticks
Design your own candlestick asDriftwood decorationand you can be sure that no one else has the same one. Decide for yourself how big it should be and how many candles it should hold. Create a romantic atmosphere that is unique.
5. Mobile
You have two options to choose from with this driftwood decoration. Either you make it just out of driftwood, which gives the mobile a rustic look, or you do it as shown in the photo and just use a piece of driftwood on which you hang shells or other objects. Come up with something original.
6. Hanging motto
With just a few boards (in this case three) you can create an interesting driftwood decoration to hang up. Label the boards in any way you like and connect them with wire, a pretty string or even a rope. You can also add a few stones or shells, as shown in the photo, to complete the nautical look.
7. A wreath
Decorate a wall or the entrance door with such a wreath. You get a decoration that lasts forever and, unlike ordinary wreaths, is neither wilted nor artificial. Use sticks of different sizes for the wreath and decorate this driftwood decoration with shells, stones, ribbons or whatever else you can think of.
8. Flowerpot
Flower pots are always a good decoration. But if it is made of driftwood, you get a very special accessory, for example with a fewSucculentsbecomes an effective eye-catcher. For this driftwood decoration, it is best to choose plants that only need to be watered rarely so as not to damage the wood due to too much moisture. Another variant is to cover the inside of the pot with foil.
9. A sophisticated clock as a driftwood decoration
AclockworkAs you probably know, you can buy them ready-made in the store. So all you have to do is design the clock out of driftwood in any way you like and finally add the clockwork. You can also let your imagination run wild for this driftwood decoration. Consider adding paint or other accessories to make the watch even more attractive.