Weeds in the lawn - this is how you combat the 10 most common types

Weeds in the lawn are every hobby gardener's worst nightmare. Admittedly, this is difficult to remove and can reappear even with regular care. We try to take a closer look at the 10 most common weed species.

As good as it looks at first glance, dandelions are actually a strong opponent. If not controlled in time, the weeds can quickly spread throughout the garden. With roots that can reach over a meter into the ground, the task is not that easy. Using a weed wrench makes the job easier; in any case, you have to work really hard in the garden on a weekend. The flower heads must be cut off regularly throughout the week to prevent further spread.

There is only one thing that helps with clover – prevention. If you scarify and fertilize your lawn regularly, you will have less to do in the summer and can look forward to an easy-care garden. In any case, if clover appears in the garden, compost should not be used as fertilizer. In the summer there is almost only one thing that helpsagainst the weedsin the lawn – namely weed killer.

Compared to clover or dandelions, annual bluegrass is easier to get rid of - mow the lawn regularly before the weeds bloom, and definitely do not mow during or after flowering - this will only make the annual bluegrass spread faster. From the time of flowering onwards, the plants are removed with a weed cutter.

Creeping buttercups are difficult to combat - as a preventative measure, the lawn can be scarified because weeds do not tolerate loose soil. It is then removed regularly by hand using a cookie cutter. Do not fertilize during this time and water only very sparingly.

Most of the time, prostrate snakeweed cannot be controlled by hand - a complex solution is necessary. On the one hand, the lawn has to be scarified, then all plants have to be removed with a cookie cutter (a tedious task) and then in most cases a weed killer is also appropriate. Strangely enough, hobby gardeners say that the quickest way to get rid of it is with... turtles. Apparently they generally enjoy eating weeds.