Just as we decorate our apartment and house with pretty accessories, the outside area also benefits from a few nice details. However, it's best to make it sustainable by giving new life to broken and unused items instead of constantly buying new things. You'll be amazed at what interesting things you can make with a little imagination and craftsmanship. From old table legs to cutlery to golf balls - all items that can look really interesting in your garden. You could make the following creative upcycling ideas for garden decorations yourself.
For this project you will need table legs. In principle it doesn't matter what shape they have exactly. But if they end with a ball like in the example, that's very practical because you get a head straight away. Old railings can also contain such elements and are suitable as an alternative to table legs. Then cut the leg with a saw and paint the wood black or dark brown.
With that out of the beesCan be garden stakes, drill another hole through the body through which you insert a metal rod. Attach the wings at the top. For this purpose, you can use metal rivet pliers. You can make these out of metal (e.g. by cutting them out of old tin cans) and paint them. You will need two shorter metal rods for the bee's antennae, which you will bend into a spiral. Drill two holes of the appropriate size in the bee's head and insert the antennae into them.
Make unusual garden decorations yourself with a golf ball
Thiscute ladybugtransform into fun accents in garden beds, pots or other areas in your garden and are quick and easy to make. If you want, in addition to the beetles, you can also make bees just by using the appropriate colors. For the ladybug you will need:
- Golf ball
- red spray paint
- Googly eyes
- Hot glue
- black Sharpie
- Newspaper as a base
Spray the golf ball with the red paint and let it dry. If necessary, add a second layer and allow this to dry thoroughly as well. Then use the Sharpie marker to paint on the black elements of the beetle and finally glue the eyes on. Since the googly eyes glue probably isn't strong enough for this smooth surface, you can use hot glue for this purpose.
Or how about gluing several painted golf balls together and making a flower?
Make your own upcycling ideas for garden decorations – owl made from old CDs
As unfortunate as it may be, you probably still have a few old CDs that no longer work. Instead of throwing them away, you can use them to spruce up your garden a little. This owl is a simple and unusual project. If you would like to make this example of upcycling ideas for garden decorations yourself, all you need are the following materials:
- CD or DVD
- 3 old forks
- Lids in different sizes (jam jars, plastic lids and bottle caps, for example)
- Spouts of bottles or buttons
- Never
- Hot glue
Take the first pair of pliers and use the pliers to bend the prongs inward, giving them a rounded shape (like hooks). Also bend the handle back a little. Repeat with a second fork and you get the owl claws. Remove the “head” from the third fork and use the pliers to pinch the tines together so that they all point forward and look like a beak. Glue the beak to the hole on the CD.
Glue the jam lidsonto the CDfor the eyes. Then glue the plastic lids inside and then the crown caps and finally the nozzles or buttons. Finally, just stick the claws on the back and you can be proud of your upcycled garden decoration!
Recycle the cover and DVD
Make your own climbing aid using cutlery or leftover wood
wooden cutlery or otherold kitchen cutlery, but also those made of metal or other elongated materials such as leftover wooden strips from your last building project can be quickly and easily transformed into beautiful and, above all, interesting and practical climbing aids for your potted plants in the garden - the perfect garden decoration made from recycled material! They look extraordinarily decorative and could easily steal the show from the plant. This is how you can make this variant of upcycling ideas for garden decorations yourself:
Get the cutlery or wood ready. Take the first piece and wrap thin string or clear yarn around one of the two ends. Tie a knot so it doesn't unwind again, but cut the stringnotaway! Take the next piece and wrap the same yarn around one end in the same way. Continue like this until you reach the desired height. Then you have to connect all these elements together on the other side too. Make sure to create as equal distances as possible, although a few slight differences in height are not fatal but can make the design even more interesting.
Such oneDIY RankhilfeYou can also use it as an upcycled garden decoration for a flower bed.