Make pretty garden stakes out of concrete yourself – ideas with shapes, lace & others

Garden stakes are a friendly and at the same time discreetDecoration for the garden, which can decorate not only the flower beds, but also planters and pots. And since concrete is currently a trendy and popular craft material, today we would like to show you how you can combine both in one. We'll show you a few ideas with which you can make pretty concrete garden stakes yourself. Learn how to make molds for casting to get any figures.

Make your own concrete garden stakes – letters

Such letters are a great idea if you want to send a message in your garden. This is how you can make a “Welcome” for the front garden or a “Merry X-Mas”for the Christmas season. You can even make the house number visible to the postman in this way. And the best thing is that letter molds can be conveniently purchased ready-made, so all you have to do is fill them with concrete. Here's how you can make this type of concrete garden stake yourself:

  • quick-drying concrete (craft concrete is finer than normal construction concrete)
  • Container and plastic spoon (or other item) for mixing the concrete
  • Gloves
  • Copper pipes or other rods
  • Pipe cutter
  • 3D letters made of cardboard of any size (in the example about 15 cm)
  • Scissors