How can you prepare the melon? These cool ideas & recipes will be a hit at every party

Melons are simply wonderful, we're sure you'll agree. Would you like to try something a little more unusual with them than just serving them sliced? Then you've come to the right place, because today we would like to introduce you to a few original ideas with which you can serve melon not only in a pretty but also in a delicious way.Combined with other fruitsand salty treats like ham, feta and other cheese, the melons turn into real flavor bombs. How about melon skewers or melon pizza? Curious? Then read on!

Serve finger food with melon

You know those appetizers that are often served as starters and usually consist of filled pasta? Well, you can also make delicious appetizers without dough by choosing a melon starter. The following idea consists of melons, feta and cucumber and is somehow reminiscent of thatBruschetta from the Italian restaurant. You can shape them round or square.

For 10 to 12 pieces:

  • 1 Melon
  • 100 g cucumber, diced
  • 115 g Excess
  • 1 tbsp red white wine vinegar
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • pepper and salt
  • optional Balsamic-Dry

If you want to serve the melon like bruschetta, you first have to cut it into slices about 5 cm thick. Then cut out circles using a cookie cutter in the desired shape or a glass. Using a melon baller or ice cream scoop, make hollows in these and then fill them with the following filling (dice the remaining melon flesh into small pieces):

Mix the diced melon with the cucumber, 2/3 of the crumbled feta, the vinegar and the olive oil. Season with pepper and salt. Pour the filling into the prepared wells and sprinkle everything with the remaining feta. If you wish, you can drizzle the morsels with balsamic vinegar. By the way, onions also go well with it. If you want, you can also mix onions into the filling and then serve the melon in an appetizing way.

Serve melon beautifully in the form of a sweet pizza

Everyone likes pizza. But it doesn't always have tohearty and heartybe. We'll show you how to dress melon to resemble pizza. It's a sweet treat that's healthier than any pizza or most desserts. The perfect dessert for parties and even without an occasion.

For about 16 pieces:

  • 1 watermelon, preferably without seeds
  • 115g cream cheese
  • 140g Greek yogurt
  • 30g powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Fruit for topping, chopped into small pieces
  • optionally fresh mint leaves for garnish

In a bowl, mix the cream cheese with theGreek yogurtand the orange juice. As soon as a smooth cream has formed, add the powdered sugar and mix everything together well. Cover the bowl and set aside to rest. In the meantime, cut the melon into 5 to 7.5 cm thick slices, which you then cut into pieces like a cake. Then put a dollop of the cream on each piece, then garnish the melon with the prepared fruit and possibly peppermint leaves. If there is any cream left over, you can serve it as a dip.

Serve a hearty-sweet pizza made from melon

Of course, you can also use salty ingredients to top the melon pizza slices. For example, the combination of onions, Bulgarian feta and olive oil is ideal. You can then spread mint leaves over it.Also mozzarellaYou can use it for this purpose and season it with balsamic vinegar if you like.

Watermelon in filo pastry or puff pastry

For this recipe you will need filo dough. Use this to form small nests in a muffin baking tin, which you can then fill with the melon and other ingredients. So you can arrange the melon in the nest and in this way theMelone decorativeserve:

For approx. 30 nests:

  • Filoteig
  • 4 slices of seedless watermelon
  • 150g feta, crumbled
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • Balsamic-Essig
  • optional mint leaves to decorate

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Take the sheets of dough (place two sheets on top of each other in each nest) and brush them with the butter. Cut each sheet into four squares. Grease the wells of the baking tray and then place a square in each well and then a second one slightly offset. Bake the nests until golden, 15 to 20 minutes.

Cut the melon into cubes about 3.5 cm in size. Spread some feta in the nests and the melon cubes on top. Then sprinkle the remaining feta over the cubes, drizzle with the balsamic vinegar and decorate with mint leaves if you like. Now you can arrange the finished nests with melon on a serving plate.

Skewers with melon as an appetizer

Skewers are very popular for parties, but are usually made with meat and/or vegetables. Skewers made from melon also taste wonderful, especially if you serve feta or ham with melon. By the way, such skewers can alsobe grilled. You can shape the melons in any shape you like – cubes, circles or balls. How about these ideas:

How to serve melon on skewers with feta

  • Watermelon, diced
  • Feta, diced
  • Balsamic
  • Basil leaves
  • Mint leaves
  • Shish kebab skewers

All you have to do is skewer the ingredients alternately. Then you can serve the skewers with melon and drizzle with the basil. Isn't this a really quick and convenient oneIdea for appetizersat a party?

Arrange the melon – ham and melon skewers

Melon with Parma ham is a popular snack that is also really quick to prepare. In the example, honeydew melons were used in the form of balls, but you can also skewer the fruit in cubes. If you would like to serve melon with ham, proceed as follows:

Using a watermelon baller or ice cream scoop, form balls (or other shapes) from the pulp. Skewer a piece of ham on a toothpick and then a honeydew melon ball. Repeat with the remaining ingredients and drizzle the finished skewers with lime juice. You can then arrange the skewers with melon on a large plate.

If you want, you can also add mini mozzarella like in the picture above. The way you skewer the ingredients can also vary depending on your taste. For example, above you can see a variant in which the ham was wrapped around the melon cubes. There is a basil leaf in between each.

Serve melon – healthy cake for dessert

Does that sound unrealistic to you? But it's not if you make the cake from a melon. Of course you can decorate the cake with any cream if you want or with chocolate sauce. Other fruits can also be used as decoration. For example, you can cut pretty shapes out of fruit using cookie cutters and distribute them on the melon cake. To do this, simply cut the selected fruit into thicker slices and then use the cutters as you would with cookie dough. How to serve melon in the form of a cake? We'll explain that to youin this article. Take a pretty cake stand or plate on which to place the melon cake.

Melons on a stick

Should it be for them?Party Fingerfoodto make it easy to snack? Melons on a stick are also ideal for this. How do you serve melon on a stick? To do this, first cut the melon into slices without removing the peel first. This works equally with watermelon and honeydew melon. Then cut each slice into triangles like a cake. Whether you choose eighth pieces or smaller ones is up to you.

Then use a sharp knife to cut through the rind of the melon in the middle and from below. But you shouldnotpierce right into the flesh. The slot should be long enough for the popsicle stick to fit through. Then push a stem through the slit into the pulp and only about 3 inches of the stem is visible. Fill a bowl with ice cubes and place the melons on a stick (stem side up) in it to keep them cool.

Chocolate melons with pistachios

And another sweet temptation that none of your guests will be able to resist: chocolate melons with pistachios. Everyone knows that fruit and chocolate go wonderfully together. So it shouldn't surprise you that the combination of chocolate and watermelon is also a real treat, especially in combination with the pistachios.

  • 1 small watermelon
  • 350g dark chocolate
  • 100 g pistachios

Cut the melon into thick slices, remove the rind and cut the pulp into cubes. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the cubes on it, then freeze them for 3 to 4 hours. Crush the pistachios in a blender, place them in a shallow bowl or deep plate and then melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave in several short intervals.

Skewer a melon cube with a fork, dip halfway into the liquid chocolate and then into the pistachios. Then place it back on the baking tray with the chocolate side up. Then you can store the melon bites in the freezer for up to 1 week. Serve them frozen, if desired, or thaw them 15 minutes in advance. You can then serve the chocolatey melon on a pretty plate.

More ideas with chocolate

Of course, that's not the only option for chocolaty onesMelon for dessert. On the one hand, you can play with the shape again. Both balls and the classic triangles, if you like on a stick, as well as melon sticks are ideal for this purpose and will also look good.

It's not just pistachios that are delicious either. You can use any nuts you like and also shredded coconut or flaky salt. If you want it to be particularly colorful and cheerful, feel free to use sprinkles instead. Freeze-dried raspberries, which you chop up and use instead of or in combination with nuts, are also a wonderful idea.