No matter whether honey or watermelon,Melons are part of summerJust add it and sweeten our day in a healthy way. Cocktails, smoothies, salads or just for snacking - they can be used in a variety of ways. Melons are particularly popular when served plain, but how should you cut them? There are a lot of options, from the classic triangular shape to cubes and sticks to interesting shapes and figures. We will show you a few such ideas on how to cut the melon.
Cutting melon – The classic triangular shape
The triangles are probably the most common serving shape and are ideal if you want to easily cut the melon. It works really quickly and is suitable for every type of melon. Place the melon on a cutting board in front of you and cut it in half lengthwise using a large, sharp knife. Be careful when cutting as the fruit can easily slip due to its rounded surface. Cut the two halves in half in the same way so that you get quarters. Now you have two options to choose from when cutting the melon into triangles.
You can either cut the melon completely through at small intervals. The bowl also remains, which can then be used to hold on. You can also first loosen the pulp by cutting along the peel with the knife and then cutting the triangles through only to the peel. This is also a convenient way to eat the melon. This idea becomes even cooler if you cut slits into the pieces from below andInsert popsicle sticks.
Like melon cut into cubes
Would you like to cut a melon and serve it without the peel? The water is very convenient for eating.or honeydew melonalso in cube form. You can put these directly into a bowl or spread them on a serving plate. The pieces can then be skewered with a fork and eaten. You can also use it to make skewers. So if you want to cut the melon into bite-sized pieces for children or a party, this variant is ideal. But how do you cut a melon into cubes?
Cut the melon coolly into cubes - this is how it's done:
The basis is again the quarters from the instructions above. Then cut each quarter diagonally down to the shell. Then lengthwise at a slight angle and finally along the bowl. Now you can tip the cubes into a bowl. By the way, you can cut the melon in a similar way for children to use a melon ballerfor ballsUse or, if necessary, an ice cream scoop. Also very effective for the buffet at a party!
Make your own sticks as finger food
Would you like to cut the melon for guests? How about you then cut the melon into sticks? This version is also bite-sized and very cool to look at. Another advantage is that you don't have to cover the fruit because it is halved and served upside down. The peel protects the pulp wonderfully from drying out. So you could cut the melon this wayfor a buffetfor example. Not only children love this shape, but adults too!
Cutting melon – instructions for chopsticks
Halve the melon again, but this time widthwise. Place it cut side down in front of you and then cut several times at equal intervals, first across the watermelon or honeydew melon and then in the opposite direction, creating a grid. Complete. You simply grab the sticks by the melon rind and pull them out to snack.
Decoratively cut the melon in half
Just like if you cut the melon into sticks, use a halved watermelon or honeydew melon for this idea too. Place them cut side down in front of you, then cut wedge shapes from the center outward. It's best to go like thiswith a cakebefore: first halve, then quarter, then eighth and so on until you have reached the desired thickness. This way you can be sure to get an even number.
Then pull out every other piece and leave it on the bowl.
Cool ideas with honeydew meloncan also be found here.
Cut melon with mince for cookie cutters
If you want to cut the melon decoratively, you can also use cookie cutters. So you can cut the melon in a star shape, in the shape of a heart or whatever else you like. And it's really quite simple: place the honeydew or watermelon on one side in front of you and hold it firmly so that it doesn't slip when cutting. Now use a large, sharp knife to cut slices as thick as you want (depending on how thick you want the melon bites to be). Then take a slice and cut the desired shapes out of the pulp.
Would you like to cut a melon?for a child's birthday, this variant is really very practical. On the one hand, the shapes look really interesting on a serving plate and stimulate the appetite. On the other hand, you get bite-sized pieces that are very practical, especially for the little ones.
Star shape for decorative purposes
You don't need to throw away the cut lid, because you can also cut a star out of it to use as a decoration on a buffet. You can then arrange any shapes from the pulp around it. Cut a slit in the watermelon lid and then another in the opposite direction. You will receive a cross. Add more slits between the points and you get a star.
You can then cut out triangles below and between the points to show off the star shape even better. You can also make these cut out trianglesserve with food.
Pretty melon bowl for serving
If you have decided to form balls or cubes out of the honey or watermelon, we would like to introduce you to an original variant of how you could then serve the balls. The edge of the hollowed out melon can be cut in a zigzag and then simply filled. To do this, first cut them in half crosswise so that you get two hemispheres. This is a good option for larger melons. You will receive two bowls. Now scrape the balls out of the pulp and temporarily collect them in a bowl or other container. Scrape out any remaining pulp with a spoon. Repeat with the other half.
Once you have hollowed out the melon half, you can cut the edge and the prongs into the melon. To do this, simply cut V shapes into the edge with a knife and you will get this interesting zigzag pattern. Fill the melon bowls with the balls and other fruits if you like. Complete!
Alternatively, you can cut a lid lengthwise and then hollow it out. Especially if the melons are very small, it is better to use them for just one large bowl rather than dividing two halves into too small ones.
Create an effective wreath
If you want to cut the melon beautifully and at the same time make it practical to eat, you can make such a wreath and serve it. First prepare triangles as described above. The triangles should still have their shells. Take a triangle and cut the flesh along the peel to about two-thirds of the way down so that you can open the peel. Then cut any pattern into the shell (for example an irregular triangle like in this example). After you have arranged the pieces in a circle on a plate, feel free to decorate the center as well.
Arrange melons decoratively for a bird
Would you like to cut the melon in a funny way? Then how about a bird like that? We explain how to cut the melon correctly for this purpose:
Cutting melon – instructions for funny bird
Halve the honeydew melon or watermelon crosswise, then quarter the halves and halve the quarters. Take one of these eighth pieces and cut one of the two tips off at an angle. Cut the piece between the peel and the pulp and cut off the piece obtained.
Then separate the pulp along the peel and make cuts at equal intervals to create triangles. Now take the piece of shell that you just cut off and cut it thinner, as shown in the picture, by cutting in and out the light green part. Using a sharp knife, cut the shorter edge of the dark green part in a zigzag shape and insert a toothpick into the opposite side. Insert the resulting tail into the side with the cut corner.
Now use this cut corner to make a head. To do this, pierce small holes in the flesh of the fruit on two sides with a knife and insert seeds into them for the eyes. Insert a toothpick into the third side without an eye, then stick the head on the other side of the melon. To do this, remove the front piece of pulp. Finally, move the melon pieces so that they are offset from each other. Complete! You can also cut a honeydew melon this way.