A picture is always well received as a greeting. If you would like to wish someone 'Happy Back to School', you can download one of our images and send it on.
School will soon start again and thousands of school children will enter the classrooms for the first time. Starting school is a big day for every child and needs to be celebrated properly. Would you like to congratulate a child and their parents on their first day of school? We'll help you say 'Happy Back to School' with a picture.
School enrollment in 2023 has already begun in some federal states and continues this week. Between August and mid-September, the start of school is celebrated across Germany and a new chapter in life begins for all first graders. A school enrollment ceremony usually takes place both at school and with the family. The children receive the typical sugar bags full of sweets as wellvarious gifts– typically useful things for school life. But what also shouldn't be missing is a map.
You can use a picture to congratulate the first grader and his family on starting school, even if there is no celebration. Share your joy and send a picture with a short congratulations. Sometimes even a 'Happy back to school' is enough.
Here we have already collected some pictures with short wishes and sayings that you can download for free and send as a message via WhatsApp etc. Whether for children in the 1st grade or older, you will find pictures that are suitable for every school level.
Browse our short collection and find an image that suits you best. Whether with a saying, a congratulation or just a short greeting - you decide for yourself.
Congratulate on the first day of school with a saying
Are you looking for ideas about what you can write in your school enrollment card? Then be sure to take a look at ours toofurther collections with sayings and wishes for starting schoolan!
Wishing you happy back to school with a picture
All the best for starting school
Have fun at the start of school
All the best, dear school child
You can find some loving or funny back-to-school sayingsfind here.