Which school day gift for girls? These are the best ideas!

The first day of school is considered the beginning of an exciting time for every child. Both the little one and his parents are really looking forward to what is to come and often share this day with friends and relatives. Regardless of whether there is onebig celebrationor the first day of school is celebrated at home with the closest circle, gifts simply cannot be missed. Are you currently looking for a suitable gift for girls to start school? Check out our article where we have listed the best ideas.

The feelings before starting school are not the same for all children. While some children are really looking forward to it, there are also those who are rather unsure about it. A great gift for starting school can help make the start of school even more exciting for your child.

What can you give a girl when she starts school?

Is the first day of school soon on the calendar for your little girl? Then grandparents, godparents and friends may ask what kind of gift they can give. Parents themselves often think about what gift their child would enjoy. One of the most popular gifts for starting school, which are suitable for both girls and boys, are the school supplies that are necessary for the start of school. Other meaningful gifts such as books and educational toys also make it to the top of the list. Jewelry is also suitable for girls, such as a beautiful bracelet that marks the new phase of life. Of course you can also give it as a gifta suitable cardnot missing in which you have onenice sayingcan write down.

Who gives the school cone?

Every child receives it on the very first day of school as well as when they start school at high school or secondary schoola school baggifted. In the past, the godparents gave the school cone, but today it is more often the parents or grandparents who do this. Other guests at the school commencement party can also bring a smaller bag to complement the gift.

Are you currently thinking about what to give your child when they start school? Here you will get an overview of the best gift ideas. Most of the ideas are meaningful gifts for starting school that make the start of school even more exciting. Let yourself be inspired and bring joy to the girl starting school!

Useful tip: If grandparents, godparents or friends want to give useful gifts for starting school, they should first ask the parents what school supplies the child already has and what they still need. In this way, bad purchases can be avoided.

1. The school bag for the first grader

If you're looking for meaningful gifts for starting school, you can't go wrong with school supplies. The school bag is the first and perhaps most important item that a girl starting school would need. However, the child usually gets it as a gift from the parents. Before godparents or grandparents buy a school bag, they must discuss this with the parents.

2. A cute alarm clock as a gift for starting school

You have to get up early for school. Therefore, an alarm clock is a practical gift for starting school that is also thematic. Although parents are initially responsible for getting up in the morning, having an alarm clock on the bedside table makes the child feel even more grown-up. You can choose a cute design that goes well with the children's room decor.

3. Wall clock as a school starting gift for girls

Many children only learn to read the clock at school. Therefore, a beautiful wall clock for the children's room can be the perfect gift. For girls, the watch can be classic pink with popular motifs such as unicorns and princesses. But neutral colors and motifs that match the furnishings of the children's room are also ideal.

4. Desk setup

If you want to give a really useful gift, just ask the first grader's parents what else she needs for her desk. Be it the table itself, a comfortable children's swivel chair or a matching desk lamp - these gifts will serve the child well for several years.

5. Personalized lunch box

The school day gift for girls doesn't necessarily have to be something big. Personalized gifts are always well received and are also great for school. This way the child cannot mix up his objects. The personalized lunch box is a great way to make the girl always remember you when lunch break comes. Such a gift will certainly come in handy.

6. Pencil case for girls

Just like the lunch box, you can also personalize a pencil case. But a colorful pencil case that is not personalized can also be a great gift. Just pay attention to the fact that children often receive these accessories as a gift in a complete school bag set.

7. Kids umbrella with girly design

How about a colorful children's umbrella, for example? This will certainly come in handy during rainy days in fall and winter. Choose a cute motif for girls, but also adapt it to the child's preferences.

8. Books for beginning readers

For ABC shooters, books make wonderful gifts for starting school. Many first graders first become familiar with reading in school and can use these books to practice what they have learned at home. It's better to focus on funny stories that pique the interest of the little ones.

9. Great gift for starting school: children's globe with lighting

Every child should have a globe. This way he can discover the continents and countries in a playful way. Today there are so many different models that make the globe even more interesting for the little ones. An illuminated globe, for example, is not only an educational tool for school, but also a beautiful decorative element in the children's room. In addition to countries, seas and oceans, the illuminated globe also shows and names various constellations when you turn on the lighting.

10. Chalkboard with accessories

DieChalkboard in the children's roomis popular with children of all ages. While toddlers and kindergarten children paint colorful pictures on them, school children can use them to learn and practice. If the child's parents do not allow chalk dust at home, you canjust a whiteboardwith pens as a gift for starting school.

11. For fun after school: give the gift of inline skates

The fact that a child starts school does not mean that he or she can no longer have fun. With a gift for starting school that is intended for leisure time, you will certainly make the girl starting school happy. For example, if you choose inline skates or classic roller skates, then fun afternoons with lots of exercise in the fresh air are guaranteed.

Gift for starting secondary school for girls

If you are looking for a suitable gift for starting high school, there are a few other options in addition to the ideas already mentioned. For retraining in the 5th grade, the gift does not have to be large at all. Even small school items or something personal can bring joy to the fifth grader.

12. Useful things for school

Children need a lot of things for school. But girls are really excited about beautiful notebooks, stickers and pencil cases. You can put together a gift box with school supplies and fill it with useful items. There are no limits. How about a colorful student calendar, for example? The girl can use it to write down everything important about school. Pencils or pens with name engraving can make the useful retraining gift more personal.

13. Beautiful watch

The watch is a great oneIdea for a giftfor school enrollment for girls. In contrast to the wall clock, the wristwatch is more personal and is always worn on the wrist. An analog watch is a classic, but at this age children are more excited about a smartwatch.

14. Personalized jewelry

A great gift from grandma and grandpa or from the godparents is a personalized necklace or bracelet. An engraving can refer to the new phase of life or simply contain the child's name. Every young lady would certainly be happy to receive a gift like this.

15. Cool phone case

Children simply love colorful cell phone cases. And change them as often as you like. If you want to give a little something for the 5th grade, just ask the parents for the brand and model of the cell phone and surprise the girl with a cell phone case with a great design.

16. Friendship book as a gift for starting school

A new school usually means new friendships. The friendship book is a sweet gift idea for girls after elementary school. This book full of memories will bring a smile to your face even years after graduation.

Make your own school day gift for girls

Although gifts for starting school usually involve new things, with a little craftsmanship you can also make a nice gift yourself. There are countless ideas for this. From colorful pen boxes to simple bookmarks to an arithmetic chain. These gifts may be small, but they are unique and come from the heart. A few ideas for crafting follow.

17. DIY Pin Holders

There are numerous options for making a pen holder for your desk yourself. You can use empty cardboard tubes, old cans, milk cartons, mason jars or clay pots. Decorate them with paper, glitter, stones, washi tape or whatever you like and your homemade gift is ready.

18. Make bookmarks as a gift for starting school

Schoolchildren are just getting familiar with reading. Along with a book that suits the child's age, you can also give a homemade bookmark.In this articleYou will find a few ideas as inspiration that you can easily recreate yourself.

Of course, these are not the only options for a homemade gift. Let your creativity run wild and make something great for school.