You are wonderful: Tell your favorite people by sending free sayings

If you have one (or more) special people in your life, you should always tell them how much you appreciate them. If you find it difficult to find the right words, ready-made greeting cards are just the thing. Do you want to get started right away and use sayings to tell someone “you are wonderful”?

Design: Deavita/Canva

The sayings are not only suitable for a special occasion such as the upcoming Valentine's Day or Women's Day. Even on any normal day you can give your favorite people a little joy.

You're wonderful! Sayings that warm the heart

Design: Deavita/Canva

No matter whether you're having a bad day or not, we all know how good a few unexpected, kind words can do. That's why we should never miss telling the people we care about how we feel about them. In combination with a beautiful background image, what is being said comes into its own even better. And we guarantee thatYour best friend, your sister, brother or best friend and even your parents will smile when you read it!

For best friends, siblings and parents

Design: Deavita/Canva

There will be one like this first thing in the morningMorning greeting for a great startworry about the day. Guaranteed, with a few kind words you will improve the other person's entire day for the better. And if you don't find what you're looking for in our gallery, you can at least use them as templates for your own sayings to let someone know that they are wonderful.

Ideas for sayings to send for free: You are wonderful because...

Design: Deavita/Canva

Browse through our gallery and find exactly the right greeting!

Design: Deavita/Canva

If someone is valuable, you should tell them so

Design: Deavita/Canva

I yours, you mine, we one

Design: Deavita/Canva

Make a nice declaration of love in the relationship

Design: Deavita/Canva

Sweet text for your best friend

Design: Deavita/Canva

A limited edition

Design: Deavita/Canva

You are important to me: sayings for friends and siblings

Design: Deavita/Canva

A wonderfully unique piece

Design: Deavita/Canva

A wonderful person is a best friend

Design: Deavita/Canva

Some people you miss as soon as they're gone

Design: Deavita/Canva

Friendship and love sayings for WhatsApp

Design: Deavita/Canva

You are great just the way you are

Design: Deavita/Canva