Hello January! 14 beautiful pictures with short winter sayings that make you think

December and with it Christmas and New Year's Eve are already over. Start the new year motivated and in a good mood with the next beautiful pictures and inspiring sayings. You can also send it to friends via Whatsapp. Hello January, we are excited for 2024!

Photo: Deavita/Canva

Some quotes make us think, others make us smile: the next January pictures definitely have one thing in common - they are perfect for sending to friends and family members. Surprise your loved ones with a motivating, thought-provoking or inspirational message and put a smile on their face.

Did you know? January is the first month of the year and was named Janus after the Roman god. It symbolized new beginnings and many people therefore formulate New Year's resolutions before New Year's Eve that they want to come true next year.

Funny short sayings for couch potatoes

Photo: Deavita / Canva

January is the month of marriage and friendship. People born at the beginning of the year are curious and enthusiastic. Sometimes just the right motivation can be missing. In winter, most people find it particularly difficult to be active in everyday life and do something outdoors. Do you have friends who have a birthday in January? Then you can be the couch potato with onefunny messagesurprise. You know the birthday girl has a movie night planned anyway.

Hello January! Sayings for friends

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Do you want to express your feelings and let a friend know that they hurt you? Maybe a nice January picture can help! This way you let your friends know that there is a problem and at the same time you have more time to get your emotions under control. You can then address the problem in person or by telephone. Ultimately, January is a new beginning for friendships and you can always find your way back to harmony.

Or maybe you want to thank your close friends for their understanding and care? Then a greeting via Whatsapp is also appropriate. Pictures with sayings and quotes have a great impact and will be well received in this case. A Hello January picture is a nice sign of attention.

Inspirational quotes and motivating images for the beginning of the year

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Sometimes you want to deeply move, inspire or motivate your loved one, but you don't have the right words. Then look for quotes from famous people, politicians, artists and writers. You can shorten these or include them in a congratulation. In the image gallery below you will find numerous quotes and sayings. The images can be downloaded for free and then sent via WhatsApp or Facebook. Get inspired!

Send friendly greetings via Whatsapp in January

Photo: Goddess / Canvas

Winter greetings for Whatsapp to send

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Send beautiful winter pictures for free

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Winter is almost over – pictures

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Hello January pictures

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Short sayings and beautiful pictures for January

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Quotes about love

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Hello January in pictures

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Motivational images for January

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Sayings about winter

Photo: Deavita / Canva