Goodbye August, hello September – beautiful & funny sayings and poems

Welcome the beautiful month. A few sayings and welcome greetings for your friends and family, WhatsApp status and Instagram etc. would be a great thing, don't you think? But how could you say hello September?

September: The beautiful transition from summer to autumn. The month that brings the last summer flowers and fruits, but also the first autumn flowers and fruits. Nostalgia for summer, but also joy for the coming autumn colors, mild autumn days and the golden atmosphere.

New month, new happiness! If August was already a wonderful time, then September will probably be even more so. The month just shows once again that change can be nice and after all the summer heat, a bit of freshness is a welcome thing, don't you think?

Sayings for back to school

While school started in August in most federal states, a few others, such as Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, but also Vienna, are enjoying the last days of their summer holidays. So for some, September meansNew start at school. Greet the school children and teachers on this big day and wish them a successful new school year.

Hello September, welcome late summer

In our gallery you will find many beautiful September sayings with which you can wish your loved ones a nice start into the new season. Enjoy the time untilOctober and autumnto the fullest!

August was great, but September will be better!

Short and sweet – Hello September

When summer gets too colorful, beautiful September comes

Turn on the heating, sweep the leaves, buy gingerbread – Happy New Year!

September and late summer poems

Let's go together

Funny September sayings – Time flies so quickly

This is what I want from the new month

New month, new happiness

Funny saying – sunburn on the balcony while eating gingerbread

Beautiful autumn sayings with quotes

Thank you August with flowers as a picture

Thanks for the reminder

Autumn is not far away

September is here!

Looking forward to Oktoberfest at the end of the month