The pandemic has undoubtedly turned our lives upside down and has become a challenge for many.Home OfficeCombined with homeschooling, it gets on parents' nerves and is often difficult to reconcile. But the hope that the situation will improve soon makes us grit our teeth. Let's see things with humor and laugh about it! That's what we want with the followingsayings and jokes aboutachieve homeschooling, which we have put together for you. There are homeschooling sayings that speak to the parents or speak from their hearts, as well as those for the students and teachers themselves.
We would also like to give you a few homeschooling tips to help you do thisLearning at homefor both sides, i.e. for you and your children, to be more pleasant and, above all, more successful. And if you find yourself in despair again, perhaps our funny homeschooling sayings can cheer you up a little - because it's not just you who is currently under a lot of stress and, after all, shared suffering is half suffering.
Set a permanent workplace
Just as you value having a designated workspace in order to be productive, you need that toochild such an area. In this way, he or she can better adjust to the fact that now is time to study and will be less distracted. This also guarantees that all the necessary reading and support materials are always at hand. Get a comfortable chair and atable or deskwith suitable height. If classes are taking place online, a computer or laptop is also recommended in this workspace if possible.
Find the right rhythm
It wasn't just adults who had a hard time getting used to working at home. This is no different with children, if not even more difficult. And when homeschooling and office meet, stress is inevitable, as the homeschooling sayings show. So expecting the children to master homeschooling straight away while we concentrate on our work is not right. You know best when your children are most concentrated and learn best. You also set the learning times accordingly. And the breaks are also very important in order to get a clear head again. Establish a regular rhythm with study and rest times - just like it is at school with lessons and breaks.
Homeschooling sayings and tips – breaks for a clear head
While we just mentioned the breaks: children can still relaxdon't concentrate for so long. And especially if you're stuck on a more difficult task for a long time and can't make any progress, a short break is very appropriate. Above all, a little exercise is very helpful here: a short gymnastics session or getting some fresh air in the garden is perfect for being able to think clearly again. Even with the children!
Homeschooling sayings and tips – Discuss each subject in advance
Instead of overloading your child with all the learning material to do, approach it gradually. This way you create structure and interruptions are avoided. So start with the first subject, briefly explain to your child what is expected of them or what the task is and then let them work independently. Once this is done, do the same with the next class and so on. The breaks already mentioned can be taken in between.
When and who can help?
It is completely normal that the child doesn't know what to do and has questions during homeschooling. But if you're busy yourself, interrupting your work isn't really ideal, as it can lead to stress on your part (homeschooling sayings didn't come about without reason). Therefore, discuss in advance when the child can ask questions. For example, they could continue with other tasks first and then work with you to solve the difficult part. If there are older siblings there, they can also be asked for advice.
Another option, of course, is to search for the answer to a question online on a good learning site. There are also these handy video calls. They are ideal for calling a classmate and asking them for advice. In this way, the children can also do their homework together and you avoid overwhelm, which is anything but good for children.
Rewards are important
As I said, the child doesn't have it that easy with the unfamiliar homeschooling either. And with all the hard work, there has to be a reward sometimes. Do something nice together - go cycling or have a picnic (whether in the garden, park or living room), watch a film or do crafts or play something together. That motivates andAbove all, reduces stress levels– both for the child and for you! And then you can add humor to even the most sarcastic homeschooling sayings.
Stay in touch with teachers
If you don't know what to do next, confide in the teacher. If you do not understand a certain topic and/or cannot pass it on or explain it to your child, if your child has difficulty concentrating or if you simply cannot find a good rhythm, seek the help of the teachers. After all, they know their students very well and also have experience with teaching and raising children. Therefore, they can help you in many ways. It's their job too!
Homeschooling sayings and tips – Maintain social contacts
The lack of school time is of course also associated with less social contact. This is a difficult change, especially for children, and anything but good. But just because they aren't allowed to gather with their friends at the moment doesn't mean that contact has to stop completely. Fortunately, in times of digital devices, we have the opportunity not only to call friends and relatives, but also to talk to them thanks to video chat and-Call to watch live. So this is not only beneficial for learning, but also for leisure time when the children just want to entertain themselves and have fun.
Reduce television, smartphones and computer games
You are not allowed on the playground, other children are not allowed to visit either, sports clubs and other facilities for various activities have had to close their doors - children who are bursting with energy and have been used to moving around a lot are particularly suffering from the lack of activity. So, out of sheer boredom, they look for other entertainment options and what is most accessible at home? Exactly, the television, the computer, the cell phone and the games console... these are now increasingly part of the kids' leisure activities. And to be honest (and as our homeschooling sayings suggest), this is a welcome downtime for parents to catch their own breath.
You don't have to ban it completely for children, but you definitely have to reduce it. Structure and daily rhythm come into play here too. Once homeschooling is over, other employment should be planned. Find an hour or two to go outside,a little exercise at hometo exercise or do something else relaxing. Afterwards, you are welcome to use electronic devices for a while and this also applies to parents. How about sending some homeschooling sayings to your friends to make them smile?
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