Wishing you a happy birthday belatedly: sayings, pictures and cool ideas to make amends

It can happen to even the best people: you forget someone important's birthday. But instead of being angry and worried about it, you can do everything you can to make it right. The first step is, of course, a message or card that you can use to wish you a happy birthday belatedly. We have a few creative sayings for younice or funnyWords that you can send directly or print out. We also have a few ideas for the perfect make-up that probably no one can resist.

Until when are congratulations in order?

One of the big questions that arises when you have forgotten your special day is when it actually makes sense or is appropriate to deliver your congratulations late. Although there are no exact rules for this, you can guide yourself as follows:

  • If it's just an acquaintance, it doesn't have to be that way after 3-4 days.
  • For good friends or relatives it can be one to two weeks later, although the two weeks are already close to the pain threshold. Then try oneto send a message, which is the best way to apologize in a funny way at the same time. Then the omission will hopefully be quickly forgotten.
  • After a week and a half to two weeks, congratulations no longer make sense. Too much time has passed. However, at least an apology would be appropriate if it was a close person.

Belatedly wish you a happy birthday and make up for the oversight

What could you do now to apologize and somehow make up for the forgotten special day? There are various options, but it's best to depend on the birthday child's preferences - some people are happy to spend time together, others may want something specific that you can now use. Apologize sincerely and, if necessary, explain why you forgot (only if you were actually very busy). Don't even try to excuse yourself, because that comes across as dishonest. Instead, accept your guilt and try to make amends. In general, the following ideas are well received:

The classic bouquet of flowers

In our gallery you will find numerous sayings that you can use to wish you a happy birthday. Print one of them out, stick it on a card and insert ita beautiful bouquet of flowers. Of course, it's best to deliver this personally so that the person you've forgotten can see that you've really made an effort. Instead of cut flowers, you can also choose a potted plant.

If the distance doesn't allow for personal delivery, you can also order something nice online and have it delivered. You will usually also be offered the option to add a labeled greeting card. You can then select and enter one of our wishes.

Happy belated birthday: Have a great time together

It doesn't necessarily have to be the exact day the birthday was. You can also have a good time together at another time. Go for ice cream, to the cinema, to a restaurant, to a swimming pool or outdoor pool, to a climbing park, for a drink in a bar or whatever else is available in your area. To make amends, it's best to let the birthday child choose.

Be thoughtful and give the perfect gift

Think carefully – has the person mentioned anything they would like recently? Maybe a new watch, a perfume, that particular beauty set or that nice leather belt in a shop during your last stroll through town? Now is your chance to make a good impression andto find a gift, which comes from the heart and is guaranteed to bring joy. What proves that you truly value the person more than the fact that you listened and remembered (if you didn't remember the birthday, then at least this)? Even something homemade is always well received.

Belated happy birthday wishes – more sayings

Below we have a few more greeting card designs for you to useHappy Birthdaywith pictures you can wish. And hopefully next time you'll think about the big day (little tip: you can note down such days in your cell phone's calendar or download an app for this purpose).

Birthday sayings– You celebrated, I forgot

We often forget the most important thing

My birthday greeting comes late, but from the heart

I completely forgot to congratulate you

I had a lot to do on your special day

A serenade is brought to you late

Every day is a birthday if you make it one

You think I've forgotten you

Belated happy birthday with images that are funny

I googled for suitable wishes

Better late than never

Belated happy birthday funny wishes