30 positive life motto sayings from famous people to think about

A life motto is like an attitude to life. It reveals a lot about our character and values. You can either relate a certain thought to yourself or perceive it as a piece of learned experience. The life motto can also be seen as a guide or a source of motivation. If you are currently looking for a suitable theme, you have come to the right place. We have put together some of the most beautiful life motto sayings from famous people.

Life is new every day and we change a lotover the years. Therefore, someone can have multiple life mottos, not just one, that relate to different times in their life. Rihanna, for example, has her life motto “Never a failure always a lesson” tattooed in reverse on her right collarbone. It means that it's okay to make mistakes, but you shouldn't make them twice and learn from them.

Some life motto sayings are more like snapshots and reflect the current emotional state of a person. Anyone who has experienced disappointment may currently be living under the motto “Look forward, never back”. If he has had the experience that everyone is the architect of his own happiness, then the following saying seems even more appropriate for him: “You have to pray for miracles, you have to work for changes”. Erich Kästner's saying: “You can build something beautiful even from the stones that are placed in your path.” can give a person strength and give them courage in difficult situations.

There are no forms according to which different life mottos can be created. It's often the case that you hear a song or read an inspirational quote and immediately feel the deeper connection to those words. Prominent personalities such as singers, actors, football players and successful entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are also inspiring more and more people with their words.

Some life mottos seem to sound funny, witty or crazy - the most important thing is that you believe in your life motto and live your life accordingly. However, if you are looking for an expressive saying that conveys a profound message, you can remember quotes and phrases from classics such as Goethe, Coco Chanel, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein and etc. We invite you to browse our image gallery and get inspired.