Send or print the most beautiful Easter greetings

Would you like to wish something more original for Easter this year than just “happy Easter” or “have a nice Easter”? Then you have landed in the right place. We have put together the most beautiful Easter greetings for you, including funny versions, with which you are guaranteed to receive a special kind of greeting. It doesn't matter whether you want to send Easter greetings to specific people via WhatsApp or whether you want to greet all readers and followers on Easter on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. We have the right thing for you!

Combine Easter greetings and wishes for the wonderful holiday, make a joke by making your Easter greetings funny or get really sentimental and send emotional Easter greetingsto a friend, a friend, a colleague or your family. In principle it doesn't matter because the greeting is guaranteed to be very well received either way.

Easter greetings funny or rather neutral?

Funny greetings for Easter are best ironic or sarcastic, but be careful - not everyone appreciates such humor. Therefore, think before you send funny Easter greetings. People who don't know each other particularly well (e.gboss and colleaguesor new acquaintances) are better off receiving neutrally worded greetings for Easter. Even particularly religious people who do not see the festival as just a few holidays, but rather place great value on tradition, should not be surprised with sarcastic or ironic Easter greetings.

Easter greetings in pictures are especially wonderfulSend via WhatsAppor other apps. Images more or less underline what is said and transform the greeting into a beautiful, electronic Easter greeting card. If you would like to send the most beautiful Easter greetings free of charge, you have come to the right place, because our Easter greetings and sayings are wonderfully suitable for this purpose. They can be downloaded, printed, copied or sent directly to the selected person.

Would you like to delight your partner, whom you are currently missing, with a saying and greeting? Then you are sure to find something suitable with us. If you word your Easter greetings in a cute way, they will be yoursgreat lovenot only touching, but also the anticipation of seeing each other again soon increases even more.

Use quotes for Easter greetings

You can also receive Easter greetings to think about with quotes, among other things. That's why there's no shortage of them in our gallery. They can be combined with wishes and greetings, but can also stand alone. The most beautiful Easter greetingsin the form of quotescan be found in the gallery below.

Ready-made greetings for Easter - creative idea for use

That you send the greetings or directly inWrite Easter cardswe have already mentioned. But we have another idea: If you have prepared an Easter basket for each family member, you can give each one an individual greeting with a wish or a few words to think about. No matter whether you hide the baskets in the garden or on a meadow or pass them on directly - the most beautiful Easter greetings from our gallery will definitely make a great impression.

Or do you love hiding Easter eggs? Then in addition to (or instead of) you can also design several cards and with excerpts from our sayings,Label wishes and quotes, all of which then have to be found by any person. Each card can also have a small piece of candy on it. This and othersEaster gamesare really fun! Be creative and make your loved ones special!

Ideas for greetings, sayings, wishes and quotes for Easter

Take a look at our ideas below and find the right words for your needs. And as soon as you're done with the preparations, you can enjoy the beautiful Easter time yourself and spend the holidays relaxing with thefamily and friendsto use. We also wish you a wonderful and comfortable Easter with your family!

Use Minions for Easter greetings

You can always buy chocolate, so I wish you happy days with the family

Easter greetingsfunny and picturesto smile

Easter is the time of giving

10 little Easter bunnies sat on the spring lawn

Lots of sunshine at Easter

Quote from Martin Luther

Quote from Wilhelm Busch about the Easter Bunny

Better a happy Easter than a bad western

Why we look for eggs every year

An Easter egg jumps into your cell phone - greetings for Easter

Which came first – chicken or egg?

Saying about spring and Easter as an Easter greeting

Easter is the victory celebration of eternal life

Easter saying and greeting for lovers and friends

Easter is the future of man

Spring awakening, resurrection, new life

I wish you Easter

Ironic saying and greeting for Easter Sunday

Easter is not far away

Saying for cold weather at Easter

I wish you a successful egg hunt

Wish you a peaceful Easter

Happy, idyllic and radiant Easter

Saying in English for lovers – Everybunny needs somebunny to love

We wish you colorful eggs, sunshine, joy and a brighter life

The most beautiful Easter greetings for everyone – the Easter bunny has his paws full

All the best and only the best for Easter

Celebrate a nice Easter despite the bad weather

In the light of the sun - quote from Friedrich von Bodelschingh

Easter greetings that are funny can be printed out or forwarded for free