The 4 best beauty tips for a flawless face + tricks for beautiful hair

The nose is too crooked, the lips are too small, the skin is too wrinkled - there are many (supposed) reasons why people are dissatisfied with their appearance. Women in particular often struggle with their appearance and emulate exaggerated ideals of beauty. But with just a few little beauty tricks, minor flaws can be concealed. We present you the 4 best beauty tips for a flawless face.

#1 The perfect pout

Full lips are currently trendy. But not every woman is naturally blessed with sensual lips à la Angelina Jolie. If you are thinking about having your lips injected temporarily or permanently, you should first try non-invasive methods. Because spraying can quickly go wrong and leave the famous “inflatable boat look”. In the worst case, you may even have an allergic reaction or your lips become inflamed, meaning the filling has to be painfully removed, which can leave ugly scars behind.

Doesn't sound very attractive? That's right, that's why you're better off using color and lip gloss, because even with the right make-up you can achieve small miracles when it comes to the perfect pout. Simply frame your lips with a little concealer and then lip liner, apply the appropriate lipstick, and you're done! “Painting over” the lips in this way gives the appearance of larger and fuller lips. A lipstick with a slight shimmer also makes it look more voluminous. There are even special lipstick and lip gloss that supposedly “boost” the lips a little. Whether these really work needs to be tried out. These “lip enhancers” are definitely worth a try so you can form your own opinion.

#2 The little nose

Many women dream of a small and straight nose like that of Megan Fox or Blake Lively. What they often don't know is that these noses were shaped by a cosmetic surgeon. Also with many other stars like the Kardashianssurgery is rumored. For “normal” women, nose surgery is rarely an option. On the one hand, this would simply be too expensive for most people. On the other hand, a lot can go wrong with such an operation and the result ultimately still does not correspond to your wishes.

In most cases, your own nose is not so bad that you would have to undergo the risks and pain of an operation. In fact, hardly any nose is perfect - instead, yours is probably a little crooked, not quite flat or not as narrow as you would like. A completely normal nose, which can be beautified with the right concealer. With the combination of concealer, bronzer and highlighter, every nose can be made smaller, straighter and more “perfect”. This takes some practice, but can be learned quickly thanks to countless YouTube tutorials. There is also the option of correcting small unevenness in the nose using fillers. Such an “injected” rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid is a cheaper and lower-risk alternative to surgery.

#3 The smooth skin

Everyone wants clear, radiant skin that is free of wrinkles and dents. While some women seem to have been blessed with this from birth, others struggle with acne, pigment spots, cellulite, wrinkles, etc. Hand on heart: Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time before your skin no longer shines in its full glory as you get older. Many ladies then resort to Botox, chemical peels, surgery or other radical ways to eliminate wrinkles and blemishes. That doesn't have to be the case either!

First and foremost, beautiful skin comes from within. With a healthy diet and enough exercise, you can significantly improve the appearance of your skin. However, it is of course possible that skin blemishes, scars, wrinkles or cellulite appear. A derma roller can be used in such casesproven to help improve the complexion. Applications such as “CoolSculpting” by a beautician can be used to combat unsightly dents on the buttocks and thighs.

An injection is the most effective method against wrinkles, but it doesn't have to be the neurotoxin Botox. Instead, gentler alternatives such as hyaluronic acid can also be used. This is not only used for wrinkle injections, but you can alsoInject dark circles under the eyesor – as you already know – conjure up fuller lips and a straighter nose. This can be a big help, especially if you have dark circles under your eyes. Because these are not always the consequences of a lack of sleep and covering with concealer is not always enough.

Lastly, for smooth and glowing skin, you should definitely avoid smoking and protect your skin from UV radiation. She will thank you!

#4 The full head of hair

You want a long and thick mane– a real “lion’s mane”? You are not alone in this. Many women try in vain to grow their hair or even take the pill because it supposedly makes the strands thicker. But they keep stopping or the side effects make your life difficult. This doesn't have to be the case and taking hormone supplements just to make your hair look nicer is definitely not the right way. Instead you can use theproper careand some tips to help your hair grow in many other ways:

• Avoid dyeing or bleaching if possible.
• If you decide to dye or bleach your hair, go to an experienced hairdresser and ask them to do it as gently as possible.
• When bleaching, using Olaplex helps prevent hair breakage.
• Always choose hair care products without silicones.
• Natural cosmetics may make your hair appear less shiny at first glance, but in the long term they keep it healthier, stronger and therefore more beautiful.
• Avoid excessive heat on the hair, for example when blow-drying, straightening, curling, etc. It is better to choose gentle alternatives such as curlers or the cold setting on the hairdryer.
• Speaking of curls: If you have fine hair, soft waves or large curls will make it look more voluminous.

Extensions are also a real insider tip. Almost every star or influencer now helps with the hairpieces. These can either be attached firmly to the hair or you can only use them when necessary, for example in the form of clip-in extensions. However, a hair transplant is only an option if you actually suffer from hair loss. In such cases, you must first see a doctor to clarify the causes.

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