Fashion trend colored contact lenses for sparkling eyes

There are numerous colored contact lenses that are with or without power. You can change your own eye color or simply intensify it a bit. Colored lenses are trendy. So that the new look looks natural, the lens color should match your type. What else should you pay attention to when buying?

Colored Contact Lenses – Eye color cannot be changed completely

Colored contact lenses are used to enhance the natural eye color. normal,blue eyesLook mysterious and deep blue with appropriate lenses. Blue-green eyes can become exciting cat eyes. Ordinary, medium brown eyes are darkened by dark brown colored lenses, the look appears mysterious.

The choice with or without starch is now large. But the products from manufacturers of medically tested visual aids cannot completely change the color of your eyes. This requires strongly colored effect lenses (e.g. Crazy Lenses). The high proportion of color disrupts the air permeability of these contact lenses, so such party products are not suitable for long-term use. Ophthalmologists generally advise against such products.

– Choose ones that match your own eye color. A complete change in type always seems unnatural, apart from the fact that overly colored lenses are not advisable for medical reasons.

Anyone who not only wants to intensify their own eye color, but also want a very slight change in type, also has the option of achieving an effect with the medically tested lenses. It can be fun and interesting to try out contrasting colored lenses. The best results are achieved with light eye colors such as blue and green.

Tips for every eye color

Brown eyes

– Brown eyes are dark, so it is difficult to change the color with contact lenses.

– Some manufacturers now also offer dark brown lenses that can be used to intensify your own eye color. This usually looks natural and gives the view a mysterious depth.

– Blue lenses, however, are invisible on brown eyes.

– Interesting effects can also be achieved with lenses in red and violet. They give the brown eyes a warm glow. Lenses with power in red and violet are now also available from brand manufacturers.

Green eyes

- Green eyesare very individual. It is often a mixed color that tends towards either blue or brown. All contact lens colors can actually be used for green eyes, and an effect is always visible.

– Intense cat eyes can be conjured up from blue-green eyes with green lenses.

– On the other hand, if you want bright blue eyes, simply choose blue-colored lenses.

– Using brown products turns green eyes into brown eyes, which can look particularly interesting on light-skinned, blonde people.

Blue eyes

– Blue eyes can never be blue enough. That's why the most commonly purchased color is blue. Most people who have naturally blue eyes simply want their own eye color to intensify. Depending on the lens you choose, the eyes appear dark blue or even turquoise.

– Red eye lenses are now also available with strength, but you should be careful with blue eyes. Because it is created as a mixed color violet. Violet eyes may be interesting as a gag at a party, but in everyday life they look very unnatural.

– If green variants are used with blue eyes, the mixed color turquoise is created.

– Brown lenses are also an option, the brown color usually covers up the blue.

For strength, better buy with advice

These are usually soft lenses. Since the color content impairs the oxygen permeability of the lenses, these products must under no circumstances be worn for longer than recommended by the manufacturer. As a rule, colored lenses are either daily lenses or can be used for a maximum of one month.

All models are removed overnight and cared for according to the manufacturer's instructions, like thePharmacy look arounddescribes. If the lenses are left in the eye overnight, it will be uncomfortable the next morning, but not problematic. If this happens more often, the eye dries out too much and irreparable damage can occur.

Of course, an ophthalmologist or optician should be consulted before purchasing lenses; this applies especially to lenses with strength that are used as a visual aid. The optician will usually also show you how to insert and remove the lenses.

Buy online

Over time, most wearers have acquired sufficient experience in handling the lenses. If the required strength has been determined by an optician or ophthalmologist, there is actually no reason not to buy daily lenses online on the Internet like belowkontaktlinsen.deto order. The advantage is that the order can be placed with very little effort, without having to plan a trip to the optician and wait a long time. The selection of colored products is also the largest online. In some cases the prices are really very cheap, so ordering online can be worthwhile for this reason too.

Monthly lenses with tint can also be ordered as an affordable subscription from some opticians. The fresh lenses are then automatically delivered once a month. If you are interested in this option, you should pay attention to the notice periods in advance. If you have a serious subscription, you can cancel it at any time.