Pimples - the common problem during puberty also occurs in many adults. TheThe reasons for this are very diverse, but hormonal imbalance, stress and too many toxins are considered the main culprits. However, many people are not even aware that impure skin can be closely linked to diet. So before you resort to expensive creams, you should first see whether you want to change something in your lifestyle.
Pimples, blackheads and acne can be treated efficientlyFace masksbe fought. Do-it-yourself face masks for pimples are a cheaper alternative to buying a mask from the pharmacy or drugstore. The advantages of home-made cosmetics for the skin are obvious: they contain no preservatives and the necessary ingredients and food are available in almost every household.
Face masks against pimples – what should you bear in mind?
However, the freshly mixed masks must be stored in a cool, dark place such as the refrigerator and used quickly.
– If you have sensitive skin, a small test before application makes sense. The crook of the elbow is a very sensitive place to test the compatibility of the ingredients.
– In order for the active ingredients of the mask to develop optimally, you must clean your face thoroughly with water before applying the mask.
– As soon as the skin burns or reddens when the mask takes effect, you should carefully wash the mask off immediately with lukewarm water.
Face masks for pimples and impure skin: masks with healing clay
Healing clay is effective against pimples and acneagainst pimples, acneand blackheads, it promotes blood circulation in the skin and frees it of fat and sebum. The anti-inflammatory effects of healing clay have also been known for a long time. The healing clay face mask is particularly easy to use because you can buy ready-made healing clay powder at the drugstore.
Tea tree oil also has a calming and antibacterial effect and is therefore used in many facial products from cosmetic manufacturers.
For this recipe you will need:
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 EL Teebaumöl
Put the ingredients in a bowl, mix well and apply to the skin. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water.
Face mask against pimples: healing clay and chamomile tea
Chamomile tea has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.
You need:
1 tbsp chamomile tea
1 EL Naturhonig
1 tbsp lemon juice
Mix all ingredients together well. Use enough healing clay to form a paste. The mass is applied to the skin of the face. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with water. For optimal results, this mask can be used two to three times a week.
A tip: you should choose the individual oneSkin typePlease note: a face mask with lemon juice, for example, is too aggressive for people with sensitive skin.
Yeast face mask for pimples
Yeast contains a lot of vitamin A, which stimulates the skin's metabolism.
You need:
1 cube of yeast or a packet of dry yeast
4 tbsp milk
Dissolve the yeast in the warmed (lukewarm) milk: you should end up with a soft porridge. Mix the mixture into a paste and apply to damp facial skin. When the paste has dried, it can be washed off with lukewarm water.
Aloe vera face mask against pimples – quick help for impure skin
Aloe Vera has a high moisture content and has wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Aloe vera has been known as a medicinal plant for the whole body for thousands of years.
You need:
–Aloe Veraleaves
– 1 tsp bee honey
– 1 EL Quark.
Peel the outer skin from the leaf, press the leaf contents through a sieve or puree them. Add bee honey and a tablespoon of quark and mix everything well. Apply thickly to face and neck. After 10 minutes of exposure, rinse thoroughly with water.
Peeling mask mit Kaffe
You need:
– Coffee grounds
– Honig
Apply the mass to the face and massage gently. After 10 minutes of exposure, the mask can be washed off. This mask cleanses the pores.