Facial oil for dry skin: Make your own natural cosmetics for your face using home remedies

When autumn comes and the weather gets cold, we often have problems with dry facial skin. Using facial oil for dry skin is very common these days. Most women think that the secret is for onehealthy and beautiful skinhidden in expensive natural cosmetics. However, not everyone can afford expensive products and not everyone knows which oil is suitable for this type of skin. That's why we're going to give you a few tips on this today and explain to you how you can make home remedies for dry skin yourself.

Choose the right oil for dry skin

There are many different types of oils that we can use to make a homemade facial mask at home. But we need to know what properties each oil has so that we can make the right choice for our facial skin.

Non-drying oils that absorb slowly

  • almond oil

Almond oil is a classic and suitable for all ages and skin types. It is very rich in minerals, proteins, fatty acids, vitamins A and E. The vegetable oil is quickly absorbed and provides moisture to the skin. This makes it appear smooth, soft and no longer irritated. This oil has been used for centuriesMassages applied. It heals and strengthens all skin types.

  • Jojoba oil

The best facial oil for dry and sensitive skin is made from the seeds of the jojoba plant. Jojoba oil does not cause allergic reactions, which is why it is very suitable for this skin type. The anti-inflammatory properties allow the oil to be used on sensitive skin, irritated, reddened faces and rough or flaky areas. The protective properties of the product surpass all other vegetable oils. Jojoba oil is not only suitable for adults, but also for newborns.

  • Avocadoöl

This vegetable oil softens and moisturizes the skin. It heals cracked skin and flaky patches on the face. Avocado oil is a very good anti-aging protective agent and helps with dry skin under the eyes. This oil soothes itchy areas and protects the face from UV rays.

  • olive oil

The olive oil helps againstdry skinand also has a moisturizing effect. It was known to the ancient Egyptians more than 6 thousand years ago. The olives contain biological active ingredients and are rich in many vitamins. This vegetable oil is suitable for all skin types. It stimulates cell renewal, prevents wrinkles and can be used daily.

Drying facial oils that are quickly absorbed

  • Argan oil

Argan oil hydrates dry skin, provides it with lasting moisture and smoothes wrinkles. This oil is found in sunscreens. It is rich in vitamin E, omega 3 and 9 fatty acids, linoleic acid, oleic acid, polyphenol, carotene and minerals. It has a light consistency that is not too greasy on the skin and does not clog the pores of the face. The vegetable oil regenerates and nourishes the skin. This oil is very popular today for its properties and is used both independently and in a variety of cosmetic products. Argan oil can cause skin irritation in people with very sensitive skin. It is not recommended to use this oil in its pure form directly as sun protection, as it has a very lower sun protection factor.

  • Wild rose oil

This vegetable oil is popular for its antibacterial properties and is recommended for dermatological problems, including acne. It reduces the formation of wrinkles, refreshes, soothes and cleanses the skin, improves skin elasticity. It combines well with other essential oils such as jasmine, clove and cranesbill. Wild rose oil is used for massages on small children and babies. It has a relaxing scent that has a stress-relieving effect.

Is it too expensive for you to buy natural cosmetics or facial oil for dry skin? But do you still want good facial care during the cold days? Now we are happy to give you a few recipes for homemade cosmetics that are easy to prepare.

Face mask for dry skin with olive oil and aloe vera

It is very easy to prepare a face mask for dry skin at home. To do this you need the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon aloe vera juice

Mash the avocado. Add the olive oil and aloe vera juice and stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply the mask to the face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water.

Face mask for dry skin with olive oil and honey

Oneanother face maskthat you can easily prepare at home is as follows:

  • 1 EL Gel von Aloe
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 TL Honig

Cut a large leaf from the aloe vera. Using a teaspoon, collect the gel in a bowl and mix all the ingredients. Apply the mask on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.

Facial oil for dry skin with avocado and jojoba oil

  • 1 1/2 THE Avocado oil
  • 1 1/2 tbsp jojoba oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea buckthorn oil

Making your own facial oil has never been so easy. Mix all ingredients. Don't forget to apply the oil on clean skin. A few drops in the morning and evening are sufficient.

Before applying natural cosmetics to your face, you should consider the following: If your skin is very sensitive and prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to first carry out a test on the forearm.