Slide tightening with home remedies for bright eyes and smooth skin: Follow our tips!

Hanging eyelids are the result of poorly maintained skin that loses its elasticity. Although it is normal for the dermis to lose strength over time, it sometimes develops premature wrinkles. People with loopholes usually look for ways to hide them because they are unsightly. There are several surgical processes that can be used to resolve this problem, especially if eyesight is affected. However, these operations are not cheap and not everyone can afford them. On the other hand, surgery is not recommended if the situation does not require this. By tightening your loopholes with home remedies, you can take care of your good looks without burdening your budget.

What are the causes of limp eyelids?

Direct sunlight, toxins, lack of care in cosmetic interventions - these are just a few of the reasons why your eyelids can look old and limp. Excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption as well as genetic factors can also change your eyelids. Sliders make people look older and, as mentioned above, can also affect eyesight. Some statistics show that this is one of the five most important onescosmetic problemsis motivated people to surgery. This is very negative, because many people do not tolerate anesthesia. Before you turn to cosmetic surgery, you should try natural alternatives because these can achieve amazing results.

Natural remedies to combat hanging eyelids

It is always better to offer your body solutions with natural ingredients and products that have no negative effects. In this article we would like tonatural remedySpeaking that have the properties that can help to tighten limp tissue and deliver additional nutrients to prevent premature aging of the skin.

Sliders tighten with home remedies: apples and honey

Thanks to their high content of antioxidants, water andnatural fiberThis apple honey mask is an effective remedy for the loss of strength in slacken eyelids. With regular use, the skin sagging reduces and the early formation is prevented.


1 apple
2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

Cut the apple into pieces and puree it. As soon as you have reached the desired consistency, mix the puree with the honey. Grate the mask on your eyelids and let them take effect for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Use this mask at least 3 times a week.

Chamber tea bags help against hanging eyelids

The use of chamomile tea is highly recommended because they contain anti -inflammatory active ingredients to treat this problem.


2 chamomile tea bags

Place the chamomile tea bags in the freezer and let them cool overnight. Take them out the next morning and put them on your eyelids for 20 minutes.

Oats, honey and egg - a unique recipe

The ingredients that you combine in this astringent treatment containVitamins, mineralsAnd essential amino acids that contribute to regeneration bedding skin. The absorption reduces the elastin loss of the eyelids and ensures a tight and rejuvenating effect.


1 tablespoon of oatmeal (15 g)
2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
1 egg yolk

Mix the oatmeal with the honey and the egg yolk in a bowl. Grate the mixture on your eyelids, and if you want, apply the leftovers on your whole face. Let it work for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a week.

Chamomile and Cucumber: Slide tightening with home remedies

The anti -inflammatory and astringent properties of chamomile and cucumber combine in this natural facial toner, which reduces sagging eyelids and combat swelling and dark dark circles.


2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (30 g)
250 ml of water
½ Saladurke

Put the chamomile flowers in a glass with boiling water and let them cool. After the preparation, strain the brew and mix with half a cucumber. Place in the fridge for 2 to 3 hours. Apply the facial water to your eyelids. Let it work for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.

Homemade aloe vera cream for beautiful eyelids

Problems with hanging eyelids can be alleviated with aloe. Aloe Vera has amazing properties that give the skin a lot of moisture.


2 tablespoons of oatmeal (30 g)
4 tablespoons of natural yogurt (80 g)
4 Esslöffel Aloe-Vera-Gel (60 g)
5 peeled and sliced ​​lettuce cucumbers

Puree all of these ingredients in a mixer. Apply this creamy paste to the eyelids and let it work for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water after the time mentioned. Remember that you have to be consistent if you want to achieve good results.

Olive oil: Slide tightening with home remedies

The antioxidants in olive oil help very well with the treatment of loopholes. Heat some olive oil. As soon as it is lukewarm, massage your eyelids with it and leave it on overnight. Wash them off with cold water. This technique helps with rejuvenating its eyelids and at the same time restores the elasticity of the skin. In addition, olive oil is known to ensure that it supplies the skin with moisture and prevents dryness.

Slide tightening with home remedies: grapes

Grapes have a high contentResveratrol that slow the cellular aging processescan. Take more grapes in your daily menu and experience how loopholes can belong to the past.

Drink water to keep the skin hydrated

You have to keep your body hydrated under all circumstances-and this is only possible if you drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Too little water a day is a common cause of hanging eyelids. So drink a lot of water every day to avoid the problem.

Good sleep for smooth eyelids and fresh skin

The most natural way to fight sagging eyelids is a good sleep. Lack of sleep is the main reason why people are stressed and therefore have loopholes.