Have you ever thought about making your own sunscreen? It's easier than you think. Find out why you should avoid regular store-bought sunscreens (hint: they're full of harmful chemicals) and learn how to make your own sunscreen. We will help you with a few selected recipes.
Make your own sunscreen with olive oil and beeswax
This recipe makes 300 ml of sunscreen with an estimated protection factor of 10 to 15:
240 ml olive oil or other natural oil
30g pure beeswax
1 to 2 tablespoons zinc oxide or titanium dioxide powder
essential oil (optional)
- Pour the base oil into a saucepan and heat it. If you are using a gas stove, set the flame to low. If using an electric stove, set it to medium heat. To ensure the integrity of the ingredients, you can try melting them in a double boiler instead of adding them directly to the pot.
- For a thicker, heavier sunscreen, add more beeswax.
- Stir constantly until the beeswax in the hot oil is completely melted. The ingredients should be completely melted before adding the oxide powder.
- If you want to scent your sunscreen with an essential oil, now is the time.Lavender is a popular choice. Use only a few drops of lavender oil to ensure the smell is not too strong or irritating, especially if you plan to use the oil on your face.
- Wear gloves and a face mask to protect yourself from direct contact with the zinc oxide powder. Above all, you should protect yourself from inhaling the powder. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of zinc oxide powder to the melted mixture. The powder must be evenly distributed throughout the mixture to provide effective sun protection. You can use either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, although zinc oxide seems to be the most common among DIY sunscreen makers. Make sure the powder is suitable for food, drug or medical use.
- Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before using. Once the sunscreen is at room temperature, you can apply it to your skin.
- Label, date and store in a cool place. It's best to use this or any other homemade sunscreen within six months of making it.
Homemade sunscreen with aloe vera and coconut oil
You can make a simple, natural sunscreen yourself with aloe vera. It has been proven to both treat and prevent burns on the skin.
Note: This recipe is not waterproof and needs to be reapplied frequently.
60 ml Coconut beer
2 tablespoons powdered zinc oxide
60 ml reines Aloe-Vera-Gel
25 drops of walnut extract oil for fragrance and additional sun protection factor
220 g shea butter for a spreadable consistency
- Mix all the ingredients except the zinc oxide and theAloe Vera Gelin a medium-sized pot.
- Melt the shea butter and oils over medium heat.
- Allow to cool for a few minutes before stirring in the aloe vera gel.
- Allow to cool completely before adding the zinc oxide. Mix well to ensure the zinc oxide is well distributed.
- You may want to add some beeswax or another waxy substance to improve the consistency.
- Pour into a glass jar and store in a cool, dry place until ready to use.
Make your own sunscreen with carrot oil and almond oil
100 g almond or olive oil
50 g Coconut beer
40g beeswax
2 tablespoons zinc oxide
1 teaspoon red raspberry seed oil
1 teaspoon carrot seed oil
2 tablespoons shea butter (optional)
Optional ingredients
essential oils
Vanilla extract
other natural extracts (no citrus fruits)
- Mix all ingredients except zinc oxide in a glass jar.
- Fill a medium pot with a few inches of water and place on the stove over medium heat.
- Loosely close the glass jar with a lid and place it in the pot with the water.
- Shake or stir occasionally to mix the ingredients as they melt.
- When all the ingredients are completely melted, stir in the zinc oxide and pour it into the glass.
- Stir a few times as it cools to make sure the zinc oxide is incorporated.
- Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator to extend shelf life.
Homemade sunscreen with avocado oil
100 g avocado oil (you can also use almond orUse olive oil.)
50 g cocoa butter
40 g beeswax balls
60 g Coconut beer
2 tablespoons zinc oxide
15 drops of essential oils (optional)
Mason jar with wide mouth for storage
- Melt the avocado oil, cocoa butter, beeswax and coconut oil in a double boiler. If you don't have a double boiler, place a bowl of ingredients in a pot of water and bring to a boil.
- Once the ingredients are completely melted, remove the bowl from the heat and let it cool slightly.
- Now stir in the zinc oxide.
- Add the essential oils if using and stir well.
- Pour the sunscreen into a suitable container. You can use a small mason jar with a wide lid.