The aloe vera plant is a succulent that stores water in the form of a gel in its leaves. This gel is very moisturizing and is great for sunburns, insect bites, minor cuts, wounds and other skin problems. However, many store-bought aloe vera products contain potentially harmful additives such as dyes. This article explains how you can easily make your own using fresh leaves from the plantAloe vera gelcan do yourself.
Make aloe vera gel yourself – what do you need?
Aloe vera gel comes out easily from the leavesthe aloe plantproduce. To make your own leaf gel you will need:
- Aloe vera leaves
- a knife or a vegetable peeler
- a small spoon
- Blender
- an airtight storage container
- Vitamin C and/or vitamin E in powder form (optional)
Tipp:It's best to only use one or two sheets at a time, as the gel only lasts about 1 week without additional preservatives. If you want to keep it longer, you should freeze it or add a preservative in the form of powdered vitamin C or E.
After you have collected all the necessary materials, you can make your own aloe vera gel in about 30 minutes.
How you prepare it
- Prepare the aloe leaves
To use fresh aloe leaves, start by cutting the outer leaves from the base of the plant. You can also use a store-bought sheet. Wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt, then place them upright in a cup or bowl for 10-15 minutes. This allows the yellow resin to drain from the leaf. The resin contains latex, which can irritate your skin, so it's important to complete this step. Once the resin has drained completely, wash off any residue on the leaf and peel away the thick skin with a small knife or vegetable peeler. - Make the gel
As soon as the leaf is peeled, the natural aloe vera gel is revealed. Using a small spoon, scoop it out and add it to your blender. However, be careful not to add aloe vera peel pieces. Blend the gel until it foams and liquefies, which should only take a few seconds. Now the gel is ready for use. However, if you want to keep it for more than 1 week, you need to add preservatives.
- Add preservatives (optional)
Vitamins C and E are excellent preservatives that can significantly extend the shelf life of your aloe vera gel. Although the gel naturally contains some of these vitamins, they are not enough to make it last longer than a week. Likewise, both vitamins contain antioxidant and anti-aging properties, so these supplements can help increase the protective effects of homemade aloe vera gel. Add 500 mg of vitamin C powder or vitamin E powder - or both - to each (60 ml) aloe vera gel you make. Simply add the powdered vitamins directly to the blender with the gel and blend again until the additives are completely mixed.
Storage instructions
Prepared aloe vera gel without added vitamin C or E can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. However, by adding one or both vitamins, the shelf life in the refrigerator is significantly extended to 2 months. You can also freeze aloe gel in small quantities - for example in an ice cube tray - to have small quantities in stock. Frozen aloe gel can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.
Conclusion:To make aloe vera gel yourself, you need to prepare the leaves, extract the natural aloe gel and add preservatives if necessary.
Using Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the skin to moisturize and hydrate, but also to provide antibacterial protection to minor wounds or cuts. Additionally, it has antioxidant properties that can protect your skin from the harmful effects of excessive sun exposure. There is a lot of research that shows that clear gelSkin healing processpromotes and is suitable for the treatment of first to second degree burns.
A compound found in aloe called aloin was also found to be responsible for the plant's anti-inflammatory effects in one study. The gel is also rich in unique polysaccharides, long chains of natural sugars that researchers believe give aloe its many skin healing properties. Aloe vera also contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C and E, which the skin needs for its health.
Aloe vera juice – what you should know about it
You can also consume aloe vera in the form of juice. Some studies have shown that oneAloe-Vera-Saftcan be used as a dietary supplement for various health conditions. However, most of the available data comes from small, short-term studies, and larger human clinical trials are still needed. It is advisable to consult a doctor before trying anything new regarding your diet and health - even if you add aloe vera juice or supplements to your daily routine.
This is especially true if you are pregnant or still breastfeeding, as the safety of aloe vera products in these groups is not yet known.