The positive effects of lavender and how best to care for it

They love thatScent of lavenderand its purple color? Are you dreaming of the French lavender fields? Then just get the plant for your home! They will be thepositive effects of lavendernot only in terms of its scent and appearance, because it can also serve as a healing agent.

Diepositive effects of lavender– then and now

In the past, lavender was a very expensive plant that only people of royal descent could afford. The Romans used the flowers for aromatic baths because theypositive effects of lavenderfor the skin. The Greeks, in turn, were so enthusiastic about its scent that they learned to make perfume. The Egyptians were also enthusiastic about this flower.

Over time, it was discovered that the flower not only looked and smelled good, but was also good for your health. This is how it became more important in medicine. Lavender became an important ingredient for a variety of medicines and it also played a major role in births. Each woman giving birth was given a stalk of lavender because its aroma was said to ease pain. Even today it willpositive effects of lavenderused. It is used in cosmetics, perfumery,homeopathy, in the culinary arts andused for the garden.

DiepositiveEffectof lavenderin terms of its symbolism

Lavender also finds its own meaning in the language of flowers. The flower represents devotion, loyalty and compassion, as well as innocence and purity. Lavender is said to bring good luck and is therefore a popular gift. It is also said to protect against envy and evil forces. Lavender is often given to lovers to bring them family happiness.

The positive effects of lavender – the right care for lavender

Lavender is suitable for both the garden and as a potted plant indoors. You just need to provide him with appropriate living conditions and you will not have any difficulties with care. The plant loves the light. Therefore, you should ensure that it gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. This flower doesn't get cold and wind. Therefore, put them in a protected place. If you want to plant lavender in the garden, it is best to choose a place against a wall or a stone that will serve as a protective shield. As a houseplant, look for a place where it doesn't get drafty.

The flower pot for the lavender should be light in color, as dark colors attract the sun's rays twice as much and there is a risk of the plant becoming diseased. Gardeners recommend ceramic pots. They should also be large enough so that the roots have enough space to develop.

Lavender loves alkaline and calcareous soil. The soil should also prevent water from pooling. One of the most common problems with lavender is exactly this and it causes the roots to rot. Water moderately often. Please note, however, that lavender as a houseplant needs more water than that grown in the garden.

In the spring, the lavender should be moved outside if it has spent the winter indoors. This is also the right time to cut it.

The positive effects of lavender - 6 reasons why lavender should not be missing at home:

  • The calming aroma will bring coziness into your home.
  • The flower can be used as a spice for soups, fish dishes and sauces.
  • Diepositive effects of lavenderas medicine: You can use it for inhalation if you have a runny nose or cough. As a compress it helps with skin problems such as acne and rashes.
  • A few stalks of lavender in the closet will scare away moths.
  • Adding a few lavender bushes will make your garden look more colorful and cheerful.